Saturday, April 28, 2007

Texas Blogmeet

Kerrville, TX> Just got word that GuyK at Charming, Just Charming is at the Texas BullShippers Blogfest in Kerrville, TX. That is one rowdy group he is meeting up with.He is having a wild and fun time, but from his post you would think that all he is doing is fishing. You have to know the secret code to figure it out. Everytime he mentions fish in a post, think this....


GUYK said...

Naa, the Blogmeet ain't until next week..I am just in early for the fishing..good thing sweetthing don't read blogs..she might want to know what I wuz using for bait..because those fish in the picture like $100 bills

Editor said...

very true, I don't think you want to catch those. Have a great time!

AB5SY said...

Not worred about GuyK, Sweetthing will put a pop-knot on his head if he as much as looks like he is looking.