Denise, Camo and I made the tree up north of Belzoni to Sky Lake and the skywalk there. It goes out into the middle of a gigantic swamp and circles up against the biggest cypress rees you could imagine. Several of the trees are over 1000 years old. you need to see it to believe it.
Deer Camp Blog- the outdoor column of The Bodock Times- (a satirical periodical) Humor and Hunting at the famous Christmas Place Plantation Hunting Club on the edge of the Mississippi Delta
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
People say that our little area of the Delta is the most
haunted area in the state Of Mississippi. I can only say that I have seen many
things that most people would not believe. Some people would laugh and say I
drink to much, am too full of tall-tales, or I am just a damn liar. They have
never faced the darkness that seems to gather at the famous Christmas Place
Many restless spirits roam here. The beautiful and
frightening Pond Stand Ghost, a column of Confederate soldiers marching to
nowhere, a ghost train that cuts through the night on Halloween, and many
others that shed their blood on this ground. One of the scariest and least seen
is the ghost we call “The Whisperer”.

The first time I encountered this ghost I was walking out on
a starlit night after an evening hunt. The moon had just started to rise as I
walked along holding my flashlight down in front of me. A whispered voice in my
ear said “Hurry”
I stopped thinking it was my imagination. Looked all around
as the chills ran up and down my spine and took off walking again. “Hurry, we
need to hurry” the voice whispered. I stopped and shined my light all around
looking for a source of the low whispering voice. I was scared now and pulled
my rifle down to the crook of my arm.
I stepped forward, moving even quicker than before and had
not gone ten steps when I heard the voice whisper again. “ Hurry, they’re
coming” I didn’t break stride but kept marching. As I hurried through the
darkness the voice settled on my ear, crying miserably and begging me to hurry.
I was so scared that I did not look back but I could feel the spirit walking
beside me, leaning into my ear and in terrible fear and agony whispering for me
to hurry, hurry before they caught us.
I don’t think there is any harm in this poor spirit and I
would like to know his story. I have tried talking to him over the years but it
does no good. We have all heard his desperate pleadings over the years and are
used to it now, but occasionally we let someone hunt there and wait to see if
the ghost will scare the crap out of them.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Squirrel Camp 2012
The weather was pleasant, the temperature perfect and the squirrels were everywhere. A great squirrel camp was enjoyed by all. The squirrel and dumplings was great too, and everyone had a wonderful time.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Tree Rat Eradicaton Weekend

Plus they taste great with dumplings! See you there!
Tuesday, October 09, 2012
Council Fire
Monday, October 08, 2012
Archery Opener 10 Point
You know some people have nothing to do in this world but amble around with enormous amounts of free time on their hands. Case in point. Burney. He shot this wonderful 10 point Saturday afternoon and I guess the rest of deer season is wide open for him. Congratulations on the first buck of the year, SOB.
Thursday, October 04, 2012
Deer Hate Computers

I came in on Monday, turned on my computer and nothing happened. The damn thing was dead as a door nail. I have been working to get some way to work on appraisals all week and it has been a nightmare. I checked the front and mysterious hoof prints on the box let me know that some horrible deer has sabotaged my computer. What twisted mind and what unknown reason eludes me. All I know is I have had every lender in the country scream at me this week and nothing I can do. Those damn deer will pay for this insult!
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