Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Screams From the Christmas Place

Saturday morning I was sitting on my stand at Turkey Feather watching and waiting when the loud sound of a gunshot rolled over me from Odom Ridge. It suddenly grew deathly quiet and then I heard an anguished scream off to my left, a second later another faint, terror stricken scream came from way in front of me. I knew my two brothers had realized that Burney had gotten his buck.
I waited, half expecting to see Paul and Trent come loping through the woods with safeties off, guns leveled and looking behind every tree and bush on the place to get their buck.
By then the screams had turned to muffled sobs.
I finally headed in to camp about 10:30 and the big deer was next to the hanging pole waiting for everyone to see. A really fine 9-point that weighed 205 lbs.
Everyone congratulated them, even Paul and Trent through clenched teeth.
Congratulations to the leader in the clubhouse Burney Howell!


Mailrider said...

Conngrats to Burnie and the bucks.

huntibg guider said...

best hunting school