I received this link from Kim Jones today. This is Sudden Impact, the largest whitetail buck in the world.
You can see more at www. farmingforwildlife.com
Deer Camp Blog- the outdoor column of The Bodock Times- (a satirical periodical) Humor and Hunting at the famous Christmas Place Plantation Hunting Club on the edge of the Mississippi Delta
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mark (Mailrider) Stewart and I have 247 acres in Yalobusha County, Mississippi. This is a the best pure hunting tract I have run across. the National Forest is on three sides and it is chock full of deer and turkey. If you are looking for a reasonable property to purchase with excellent timber potential, this is it.
We are asking $1000 per acre. If you are interested, call me at 662-473-2499.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Toby Tubby's Gold (2)
As with most people, my grand thought on finding the grave of the rich Indian quickly faded. Work, Life, Kids, and the real world have a habit of intruding on grand schemes and ideas. So after a couple of months, the idea was way on the back burner until I received an appraisal assignment on Coon Town Rd.
The assignment was for a little FHA style brick home near the boat landing at the end of the old road. It was what I consider a cookie-cutter job that I should be able to get the pics, info and do the walk- through in about 20 minutes. The thought of this being the beginning of my hunt for Chief Toby Tubby never entered my mind.
The Coon Town Road begins at a three way split in front of the old College Hill Church and as I turned onto the road, the thought of the destroyed historical marker and my Aunts’ words came back to me. I completed the field part of the appraisal and returned to the church, turned north for a quarter mile and stated looking for what was left of the marker.
I found the site, pulled over and went to take a closer look. All that was left was the concrete slab partially pulled out of the ground and part of the twisted metal pole that had held the square green tribute for Toby Tubby.
It had taken some work to remove the marker and it did not make sense. Drunk college students at Ole Miss might have done it, but it would have taken a lot of exertion. The concrete slab had to be at least three feet thick and a big truck would have had to be used to pull and twist the marker off. It seemed like a pretty stupid prank to me and the odds were that someone would be caught sooner or later showing it off on campus or in a dorm room.
I returned up the road and stopped at the Church. I did not know why, but I wanted to walk around it and just look. It had been at least 20 years since I had walked the grounds and the history of the land, the old legend and I think a little of missing my grandmother swept over me. I walked up the old brick path.
The assignment was for a little FHA style brick home near the boat landing at the end of the old road. It was what I consider a cookie-cutter job that I should be able to get the pics, info and do the walk- through in about 20 minutes. The thought of this being the beginning of my hunt for Chief Toby Tubby never entered my mind.

The Coon Town Road begins at a three way split in front of the old College Hill Church and as I turned onto the road, the thought of the destroyed historical marker and my Aunts’ words came back to me. I completed the field part of the appraisal and returned to the church, turned north for a quarter mile and stated looking for what was left of the marker.
I found the site, pulled over and went to take a closer look. All that was left was the concrete slab partially pulled out of the ground and part of the twisted metal pole that had held the square green tribute for Toby Tubby.
It had taken some work to remove the marker and it did not make sense. Drunk college students at Ole Miss might have done it, but it would have taken a lot of exertion. The concrete slab had to be at least three feet thick and a big truck would have had to be used to pull and twist the marker off. It seemed like a pretty stupid prank to me and the odds were that someone would be caught sooner or later showing it off on campus or in a dorm room.
I returned up the road and stopped at the Church. I did not know why, but I wanted to walk around it and just look. It had been at least 20 years since I had walked the grounds and the history of the land, the old legend and I think a little of missing my grandmother swept over me. I walked up the old brick path.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Turkeys 2, Hershel 0

Hershel Howell went across the beaver dam to hunt at the Box Field on friday morning. He set his decoys and relaxed. Turkey sign was plentiful and it was a beautiful morning. No sight or sound of turkeys, as he used his bag of tricks, until a little after 8 o'clock. Then he heard the distinctive gobble of an old gobbler about a hundred yards down the ridge. He worked the turkey for about an hour until he saw movement heading his way and a hen and the big gobbler came out heading for his decoys. It gets a little foggy after this.
Dad says the Gobbler was standing in the wide open at 26 steps in full strut when he pulled the trigger. The turkey jumped, then flew across the field and took off running like a racehorse. He stared, completely amazed that the dead turkey was still hauling booty down through the woods. He looked and looked, no gobbler. He returned to camp disgusted with himelf and making noises that he was too damn old and feeble to kill a turkey. Says he is a has-been. Please leave a few encouraging words.
Remember- It is better to be a has-been than a never-been.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Toby Tubby's Gold (1)
I am not a researcher.
I am not a great history buff, even though my life is intertwined very closely with the history of the rural south, the Civil War and the generations of people that have lived and struggled here.
I am a real estate broker in a small town just south of Oxford, MS, while my father and his family are all from the Oxford area. I grew up learning all about Oxford and it’s deep and wonderful history. Growing up, my grandmother took us to all the old family homesites and gave us the history of all the people of the area. She was a Burt from out at Clear Creek and seemed to either know or to be kin to everyone in Lafayette county. My father graduated from University High School as did my Aunt Marilyn (Melly) and Uncle Jim and I loved the stories they told of growing up there, attending Ole Miss, hunting the swamps of the Tallahatchie Bottom, and all the antics my Dad would tell of his wild childhood.
I would not have paid a second thought about Chief Toby Tubby if my Aunt Melly, had not mentioned it one day when I stopped at her house for a quick cup of coffee. She is part of the Oxford Heritage Foundation and a member of the D.A.R., plus a myriad of other things as I found out later. She said that she was upset because the marker out near College Hill Church honoring the old Chief has disappeared again. It was the second time and the marker was very expensive. She doubted they had the money to keep replacing it.
Going home, I reviewed in my head the legend that I had heard about the famous Indian Chief.
Chief Toby Tubby had operated a ferry crossing the river north of Oxford near Wyatt.
He was very wealthy and even owned slaves.
When he died, the funeral procession left from near the College Hill Church up the Old Chickasaw Rd never to be seen again.
He was buried with all his possessions and the site was marked with a cedar tree planted on top. No other sign was left because they were afraid grave robbers would dig him up for his fortune.
His grave has never been located.
Not much information, but just enough for a buried treasure legend I laughed to myself, but later, the idea of finding it began to grow in my mind.
I am not a great history buff, even though my life is intertwined very closely with the history of the rural south, the Civil War and the generations of people that have lived and struggled here.
I am a real estate broker in a small town just south of Oxford, MS, while my father and his family are all from the Oxford area. I grew up learning all about Oxford and it’s deep and wonderful history. Growing up, my grandmother took us to all the old family homesites and gave us the history of all the people of the area. She was a Burt from out at Clear Creek and seemed to either know or to be kin to everyone in Lafayette county. My father graduated from University High School as did my Aunt Marilyn (Melly) and Uncle Jim and I loved the stories they told of growing up there, attending Ole Miss, hunting the swamps of the Tallahatchie Bottom, and all the antics my Dad would tell of his wild childhood.
I would not have paid a second thought about Chief Toby Tubby if my Aunt Melly, had not mentioned it one day when I stopped at her house for a quick cup of coffee. She is part of the Oxford Heritage Foundation and a member of the D.A.R., plus a myriad of other things as I found out later. She said that she was upset because the marker out near College Hill Church honoring the old Chief has disappeared again. It was the second time and the marker was very expensive. She doubted they had the money to keep replacing it.

Going home, I reviewed in my head the legend that I had heard about the famous Indian Chief.
Chief Toby Tubby had operated a ferry crossing the river north of Oxford near Wyatt.
He was very wealthy and even owned slaves.
When he died, the funeral procession left from near the College Hill Church up the Old Chickasaw Rd never to be seen again.
He was buried with all his possessions and the site was marked with a cedar tree planted on top. No other sign was left because they were afraid grave robbers would dig him up for his fortune.
His grave has never been located.
Not much information, but just enough for a buried treasure legend I laughed to myself, but later, the idea of finding it began to grow in my mind.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Preliminary Cover- Jeff's God

No, I have no idea what the surprise ending is. He has changed it around so much over the last twenty years that I have no idea.
PS- Dad has agreed to donate $1 per copy for every book we sell off this site to help raise money for the Outdoor Bloggers Summit. Hopefully the OBS site will post the book for sale too.
Friday, April 17, 2009
A Crack-A-Lackin' Link

She is raising her son, affectionately called, EB or Energizer Baby, and gives us insights into raising children from the ugliest parts to the warmest parts that melt your heart and leave you crying with love for them.
She runs the very popular blog known as Mommy Cracked. Go visit, make a new friend and delight in her trials and tribulations.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Assimilating The Senator

My evil plan involves a complicated mapping system for carbon absorption rates and it looks like all the humans will probably have to be eradicated. Besides that, our conversation was very interesting and relaxed. We talked about Water Valley, Oxford and economic growth for our area and ways to increase it.

Then I told him about the second part of my plan.
Senator Wickers eyes grew wide with fear and astonishishment as I described my plan to reintroduce the deadly BIKINI MACHINE and my bid for world domination. He liked the idea of the bikinis but was not too hot about the world domination part. After security threw me out.. I mean.. after my dramatic exit, I thought more about our conversation.
The only part I need to work on is an evil name like my predecessor Dr. GoldFoot.
If you have any ideas, please leave a comment.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Yow !!!!!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Feathers Finally Fly
It was a great Easter weekend with all the family coming in to visit. Burney cooked a wild hog and I think it was the best ever. Michael, Spencer, Dad, Hillary and Burney all caught crappie that afternoon and we cooked those too!
Sadie made a big salad for dinner, to top the meal off and we ate like kings.
The next morning we hunted and Spencer and I heard turkeys but they would not come in. Then we headed to Church in the little town of Eden and got a good dose of down home religion.
That afternoon we headed home and Spencer got a pic of this damn water-gator up the road from our place. Hmmm... I think I have something for that awful thing.
I can assure you that it needs to make sure it doesn't decide to mosey up to our lake.
All in all, a great family Easter that we shared together.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Seeing the Senator
Can't post Monday morning. I have a meeting with my U.S. Senator at 11 Monday morning in Tupelo. Ought to be interesting, will let you know the results later.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Pick Your Virtual Stand
Virtual Stands on the map are based on actual locations. The box field is where Marian ran out of bullets and the 10 Point stand is where Elizabeth will be hunting. Will be adding a topo map in color later. (hopefully) Not all stands are labeled but all are excellent for getting a deer or hog. Choose carefully.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009
OBS Regional Meeting

My cousin, Burney Howell, has agreed to cook a wild hog, and my brother Paul has agreed to annoy the hell out of everyone.
The date will be in June. The weather should be nice and there are plenty of fish to catch and places to explore.
I am hoping to convince 8-12 people to come for the weekend, with maybe a few day-trippers joining us for Saturday. As part of the OBS, I also want to add at least one well-known journalist or writer to give a seminar also. Maybe we can find a blogger that has actually made a nickel that can give us a lecture too.
There is a chance that one of the hunting show people can be tricked into coming and talking about that aspect for our group. I am going to talk to the MDWFP to see what help I can get from them and the paper in Jackson, MS will be asked to visit and write an article about it.
Now if I can actually get someone to attend........
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Welcoming New Links

What about Sparky? This is the affectionate name we gave Bob Phillips when he came to our camp after suffering a stroke. He moved so slowly that the name Sparky seemed just right. He and Marian have turned into two of my dearest friends. Bob has his own blog now called Two Dogs Tall. You will have to read it to learn how he got that nickname. Bob has lots of interests, but right now he is really into knives. Please go over and visit and make sure to add him to your blogroll.

Truthfully, I don't know much about elkses. Most of the shows I watch have some guy blowing a trumpet until a whole gaggle of them start running up to commit suicide. according to my friend Dennis Carroll this is not the way it really works. He runs a blog simply called, Montana Elk Hunting. Some of the massive elk he photographs are almost as big as Thunderhoof! He is a hunter and outfitter that knows his business. Before you go on a trip out there, I suggest you read his blog a bit and maybe email him to line things up. Go to his blog to say hi, check his stories of elk, the mountains and the big spaces of Montana. Tell him there is a deer down here with his name on it and they are a whole lot harder to hunt.
Monday, April 06, 2009
Turkey Taunts !
To make it worse, I finally played golf Sunday and the whole time I was out there, I could hear them calling and gobbling at me. I do not need that kind of distraction with my pitiful golf game. I feel retribution is at hand next weekend!
Friday, April 03, 2009
A Mucky Birthday
I do not usually give reviews on this site. (That's because they never send me free stuff.) I do want to mention the nice birthday present I received from the Mailrider. Mark bought me a pair of Mucks. He can afford to do so since his ship came in and he sleeps.. uh.. works at the Post Office.
The boots are slightly insulated, lightweight neoprene and I swear they are the
best light boot I have ever had. I have used them exclusively for turkey hunting this year and have had no problems. They do not cut easily, seem to breathe well and are extremely comfortable. Check on a pair if you get the chance.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
We B Gone
The Outdoor Bloggers Summit has moved to the new site today and the new blog is sharp, very cool and up to date. A new badge will be available soon, but if you just link to it without the badge, copy this to paste into your sidebar Outdoor Bloggers Summit. Please go over and give Kristine a well deserved Thank-You for all her hard work.
Remember that it is a free site (yes, really free) for outdoor enthusiasts and bloggers.
the new site with Kristine is also on Twitter at OBSKristine. give her a tweet and say hello.
Remember that it is a free site (yes, really free) for outdoor enthusiasts and bloggers.
the new site with Kristine is also on Twitter at OBSKristine. give her a tweet and say hello.
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