DAD GOT A HOG! For all you naysayers that thought he was washed up, old Dad has come through with a great shot over at the GameWarden Stand.
Burney got two hogs this weekend and the most importand news is that....
Yes this is my first hog and as you can see it is a rare Blue Grunter, the most aristocratic and desirable of the wild hog family. A true trophy!!!
Don't kill them all before I get there, my new hog destroyer is sighted in and ready to go!
Congrats to your Dad, Burney and of course you Rex, being your very first! That is fantastic! I'm looking forward to getting my first hog someday! Way to go guys! ;)
Way to go! Rex, what was pop's hog weight? The hog looks as big as he is. Congrads to you and burn.
Purty work, fellas! Stack 'em up! That's a couple freezers' worth of meat right there, and more to come if your season keeps on like this.
We are going to live broadcast a hog hunt on 12\18- on the web- not cuts or editing- just raw video.We haven't ever hunted hogs before so it should be fun.My wife is taking her compound bow with a handgun backup.
check it out here:
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