Denise and I met my friend, the Mailrider, and his wife Kim to go see the new movie Atlas Shrugged in Memphis. Mr. Jones showed up too.

The movie was good but I think it was made more for the people that have read the book than the average viewer. A lot of the intensity about the decay of the world and the stand that a few highly motivated industrialist made was not really explained well. Mark and Kim have never read the book. They were completely lost. I am glad to see the movie is being produced and will go see the rest of it when it comes out, but I missed the intensity that the book held.
Later we went to dinner and had a great time having a drink, catching up and then a pretty good meal. Denise and I made it home near 2AM.
Yeah-I have to admit that it didn't flow like great movies(such as Nate and Hayes) did, but it was somewhat followable. Except for the dude that keep showing up and running off with all the leading industalist.(Kinda queer)Had a great time(Kim too)She would rather watch The Good Wife though.Part 2 better pick it up some.Movie review says only one thumb up!
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