Smoking Feathers, MS> Hershel Howell, famed golfer, turkey murderer and gardener returned from the famous Christmas Place with the news that he had blasted another big gobbler. This was a twin to the first one at 18lbs and a 9 and 3/4 inch beard.
Jeez! Did I mention he is 82 and hasn't heard a turkey gobble this year. Hello? Othmar?
In related news Paul (Bloody) Howell and his minion, Michael let another turkey escape as they were screwing around on their stand. Hello? Moose?
Hope everyone had a great weekend and I will see you all at the Masters. Hello?Sorry, I had a brain freeze.
Wow two turkeys!!!! That's awesome. I hope at 82 I can still hit the woods. Season opens up here on Saturday I can hardly wait.
Nicely done! The "ol' man" is showing ya'll how it's done! Take notes!
That is a really big turkey in the background.
Outstanding! How is that big covey of quail I saw last spring? Anyone jumped it again?
Wow, your Dad is having a great year! Good for him.
I love the Et Tu Turk! Good Title Moose...I hope I'm out there hitting the woods at 82. Good for him! Bob & I send our congrats! :)
Another one bites the dust.
Two turkeys are very good going and doing so at the age of 82 is simply amazing. I only can hope that at that age I still will be able to run around the woods too.
Simply awesome results. Congratulations to your dad on his successes!
I'm 29 and have a hard time being that successful :(
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