Rain has moved in on us which might dampen our hunt so no promises are made on getting the hogs. I wish that all of my link and OBS friends were joining us. Maybe next year.
Deer Camp Blog- the outdoor column of The Bodock Times- (a satirical periodical) Humor and Hunting at the famous Christmas Place Plantation Hunting Club on the edge of the Mississippi Delta
Friday, February 27, 2009
Ready For Hog Camp
Rain has moved in on us which might dampen our hunt so no promises are made on getting the hogs. I wish that all of my link and OBS friends were joining us. Maybe next year.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Humans -VS- Hogs
The hog weekend is coming up and seems to have taken a life of it's own. Everybody and their brother is heading to the famous hog-infested Christmas Place to try their hand at blasting these rodents.
On the other hand, the hogs can not wait to rip and tear these losers to pieces.
the Humans-
1. Greg Jones aka Old Scratch. (Positives), mean, can kill a hog with his bare hands, eager and has a small arsenal of weapons. (Negatives), blind as a bat, can't shoot straight and will have to be on his best behavior.
2. Kim Jones aka Hog Stinger. (Positives), eager to kill, loves the taste of wild hog, ornery when she gets her blood up and always on GO. (Negatives) first time to try this, has to protect her babies and her husband wants to give her a peashooter.
3. Tyler Jones aka Hog Breath (Positives) 6'2 300 lbs of muscle and hates a damn hog.(Negatives) he is afeared of them hogs and refuses to hunt on the ground. Erin will have to protect him.
4. Kyle Jones aka Cool Hog. (Positives) Best shot of the men in the family which is not saying much. Will hunt anywhere, anytime and is very damn lucky. (Negatives) cell phone, sunglasses and talking. It is hard to be cool when a 300 lb. wild boar is chasing you through a thicket.
the Hogs-
(they don't have any Negatives and they have earned their names)
1. Gut Ripper- 217lbs. of pure hatred
2. Bloody Tusk- 187 lbs. with extremely long infected tusks
3. Lady Slasher- 242 lbs. specializes in killing and eating female humans
4. Brush Stalker- 175 lbs. known to run through brush at unbelievable speeds to atack unsuspecting hunters before they even get their guns loaded.
More players in this Bloodfest later.
On the other hand, the hogs can not wait to rip and tear these losers to pieces.
the Humans-
1. Greg Jones aka Old Scratch. (Positives), mean, can kill a hog with his bare hands, eager and has a small arsenal of weapons. (Negatives), blind as a bat, can't shoot straight and will have to be on his best behavior.
2. Kim Jones aka Hog Stinger. (Positives), eager to kill, loves the taste of wild hog, ornery when she gets her blood up and always on GO. (Negatives) first time to try this, has to protect her babies and her husband wants to give her a peashooter.
3. Tyler Jones aka Hog Breath (Positives) 6'2 300 lbs of muscle and hates a damn hog.(Negatives) he is afeared of them hogs and refuses to hunt on the ground. Erin will have to protect him.
4. Kyle Jones aka Cool Hog. (Positives) Best shot of the men in the family which is not saying much. Will hunt anywhere, anytime and is very damn lucky. (Negatives) cell phone, sunglasses and talking. It is hard to be cool when a 300 lb. wild boar is chasing you through a thicket.
the Hogs-

(they don't have any Negatives and they have earned their names)
1. Gut Ripper- 217lbs. of pure hatred
2. Bloody Tusk- 187 lbs. with extremely long infected tusks
3. Lady Slasher- 242 lbs. specializes in killing and eating female humans
4. Brush Stalker- 175 lbs. known to run through brush at unbelievable speeds to atack unsuspecting hunters before they even get their guns loaded.
More players in this Bloodfest later.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sneaky Mexican Deer
Jamie runs a blog called Borderland Adventures: Her Perspective, and she is watching what is going on there as close as she can. The deer follow trails back and forth across the border which other animals use to illegally enter the US too. Jaguars, wild hogs, etc. Something must be done!
The big old deer hide in the sagebrush, drop antlers everywhere, and eat up her flowerbed when she is not looking. Looks like a war is going to break out there against these sneaky varmints and bushwackers are needed. Go over and keep an eye out, we may need to send reinforcements.
Monday, February 23, 2009
What The Hell Was That?
A few years ago I was traveling Howard Road that leads from Lexington to the old crossroads of Howard. Critter was riding with me and we were talking about our turkey hunt as we passed a sign that read INDIAN BLUFFS, PCBA. I thought it was just another rich mans hunting club at the time.
Looking out the window, I slammed on the brakes when I noticed a huge set of antlers moving on a pond leevee. I stopped, hell there were two giant sets of antlers!
I got my binoculars out and looked at the deer. Giant antlers, small bodies, spotted deer?, what the hell was I looking at? We watched the deer for 10-15 minutes and they finally worked their way back in the woods. I always wondered exactly what kind of exotic deer they were and then I saw this picture. I swear this is what I saw in the Mississippi Delta.

Looking out the window, I slammed on the brakes when I noticed a huge set of antlers moving on a pond leevee. I stopped, hell there were two giant sets of antlers!
I got my binoculars out and looked at the deer. Giant antlers, small bodies, spotted deer?, what the hell was I looking at? We watched the deer for 10-15 minutes and they finally worked their way back in the woods. I always wondered exactly what kind of exotic deer they were and then I saw this picture. I swear this is what I saw in the Mississippi Delta.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
I Missed My Blogiversary

I have met many wonderful friends, helped create the Outdoor Bloggers Summit, put down in print wild hunting stories and tall tales from our past and meet friends I would have never known from online and in person. (Guyk, Marian)
Three years is a very long time on the internet and I feel like I am just getting started. Stay with me, it is going to be an interesting year.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Carbon Credit Focus
Gusher,MS> Not everyone has an oil well coming up through their floor like that zillionaire at Othmar Outdoors. Hell, he even has his own newsletter now. Not all of us work for a world wide conglomerate that pays their bloggers hundreds of thousands of dollars a year like Kristine. Some of us are scrambling every day to figure out a way to make a living. Old Scratch has been doing the research and we think Carbon Credits are the wave of the future, and the future is now.
The most important thing to know about Carbon Credits are that they are imaginary. Yes, imaginary, and they basically are what someone with a guilty conscience will pay to feel like they are offsetting the amount of pollution they are creating. They take their private jet to Europe to meet with the ultra rich like the Bushwacker, Drew or James Marchington to relax and party. They rent limos, throw wild parties etc., etc. Trust me, there is always plenty of Boobies and Beer. Then have someone figure up how many tons of pollution to the air they have caused and then pay for Carbon Credits to offset what they have done. Very simple.
Now Old Scratch and I figure that between our properties we have about 1600 acres that fits into the program.(or what we are willing to put up) for this.
Just using a base price (according to rough estimates) we think that each acre in the system is worth $250. $250 x 1600= $400,000.
Now this is great but being greedy and wanting to help the environment we would like to go directly to the hollywood elite and sell each acre on a yearly basis at $200 per acre. We need a rich California salesman in that Hollywood circle that can sell a wild hog to a starlet and make them think they got a deal. Looks like a win, win situation. So if you know a rich guilty Corporate owner or Hollywood type let me know.
Will send pics of our beautiful timberland if required.

The most important thing to know about Carbon Credits are that they are imaginary. Yes, imaginary, and they basically are what someone with a guilty conscience will pay to feel like they are offsetting the amount of pollution they are creating. They take their private jet to Europe to meet with the ultra rich like the Bushwacker, Drew or James Marchington to relax and party. They rent limos, throw wild parties etc., etc. Trust me, there is always plenty of Boobies and Beer. Then have someone figure up how many tons of pollution to the air they have caused and then pay for Carbon Credits to offset what they have done. Very simple.
Now Old Scratch and I figure that between our properties we have about 1600 acres that fits into the program.(or what we are willing to put up) for this.
Just using a base price (according to rough estimates) we think that each acre in the system is worth $250. $250 x 1600= $400,000.

Now this is great but being greedy and wanting to help the environment we would like to go directly to the hollywood elite and sell each acre on a yearly basis at $200 per acre. We need a rich California salesman in that Hollywood circle that can sell a wild hog to a starlet and make them think they got a deal. Looks like a win, win situation. So if you know a rich guilty Corporate owner or Hollywood type let me know.
Will send pics of our beautiful timberland if required.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Are Hunters Tough Enough?

Chip is located in North Carolina. Hey! that is where Moose is from, so he obviously knows what he is talking about. If you have a little time go over and enjoy his videos, browse his posts and make sure to say that I sent you.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Executioners Meeting
Pentagram, MS> Yes, once again it is time for the dreaded Executive Committee Meeting of the Christmas Place Hunting Club. I like to call it the Executioners Meeting. We are getting together at midnight this Saturday at the camp to partake of the rituals and go over our rules for the new year.
The first thing is to pull the hidden lever and open up the secret passageway behind the fireplace that leads down to the Sanctorium and dungeon.
These dark catacombs are rarely used except for the Ten Point Club Meetings each year, the yearly deer blood rituals, executions, torture interrogations on guest that have seen big bucks and to keep people safe from a few of our more unsavory guest. We force them to stay there on occassion if they want to hunt. Like my hunting pal Nesferatu. He is a little strange, and is a Pro-Staff member from Othmar Inc.
You pass through the narrow passage until you reach the barred door, unlock it with the Deer Skeleton Key and pass through.
You enter and seat yourself at the candlelit table, drink the deer blood and then the High Executioner reaches over and slowly opens the Sacred chest and takes out the scrolls that contain the Rules of Death.
These few pages govern all aspects of hunting for the camp members and their guest for each year. (they even have rules for the summertime).
Now is when a certain couple of evil lawyers have their way with the rest of us. The Executive Committee goes over the rules and talks about what worked, what did not and any changes that we need for improving the camp and hunting. The object is to wring out anything
in the camp rules that would lead to fun and relaxation for anyone.
They try to make the rules so complicated that only they can understand the damn things. God knows you will really face the Executioner if you go astray and do something they don't agree with. "Off with their heads" the lawyers chant as they go over every comma and syllable in the rules. Anyway, wish me luck that I can stop their evil plans or at least postpone them for the immediate future.

The first thing is to pull the hidden lever and open up the secret passageway behind the fireplace that leads down to the Sanctorium and dungeon.

These dark catacombs are rarely used except for the Ten Point Club Meetings each year, the yearly deer blood rituals, executions, torture interrogations on guest that have seen big bucks and to keep people safe from a few of our more unsavory guest. We force them to stay there on occassion if they want to hunt. Like my hunting pal Nesferatu. He is a little strange, and is a Pro-Staff member from Othmar Inc.

You enter and seat yourself at the candlelit table, drink the deer blood and then the High Executioner reaches over and slowly opens the Sacred chest and takes out the scrolls that contain the Rules of Death.

Now is when a certain couple of evil lawyers have their way with the rest of us. The Executive Committee goes over the rules and talks about what worked, what did not and any changes that we need for improving the camp and hunting. The object is to wring out anything

They try to make the rules so complicated that only they can understand the damn things. God knows you will really face the Executioner if you go astray and do something they don't agree with. "Off with their heads" the lawyers chant as they go over every comma and syllable in the rules. Anyway, wish me luck that I can stop their evil plans or at least postpone them for the immediate future.
Envirocapitalist???? I Like It!!!

His blog is filled with great personal stories about his hunts, his true excitement and joy of just being in the woods and enjoying nature, his family ties, and a sprinkling of personal photos that are really good. It is a great read and with his writing, you can see it all in your minds eye. He needs to get the Old Deerslayer to come visit him. You go see him too.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Como Commotion

The ladies laughed and talked (mostly about us) while we discussed the really important things in life. Ole Miss football and recruiting, Deer Hunting and now Hog Hunting. Looks like a great year coming up for all three!

I suggested that Mark take Greg under his wing and show him the finer points of hog hunting, like actually how to kill one. Mr. Jones replied with a dirty word. Hey, I am trying to help him! His hunting skills stand for themselves.
Denise, Kim J and Kim Stewart all were decked out and gorgeous and as we talked and drank it felt like family and good times. Then the steaks came and they were gigantic and very, very good. Dessert was the super cheesecake to die for.
Meeting friends, relaxing, having fun, a great meal and drinks to ease away the rough day. It was great. Mrs. Jones even got rowdy! I won't elaborate.
This was once again a great get-together that is our annual event. I sure hope it last a long time. Thanks Denise, Greg and Kim, and Mark amd Kim for a great night.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Take A Walk On The Wild Side
Coolcat, MS> I received a link from a very enterprising guy named Rod McBellanic. Rod has a nice blog called The Wild Side. Rods site deals with hunting, guns, ammo, where and when to be in the fields and just about anything you want to know about being in the woods. His site also looks at how to set up and get a business going, which is something we all need to look at. He has links to some very interesting instructional books for novice and so-called expert alike in all different fields. 
He leaves lots of comments as he makes the rounds of the Blogoshere and seems genuinely interested in making his site the very best it can be.
He is also the shirt guy from FieldDressed.com. In honor of the OBS challenge, I have a new T-shirt slogan he can work with, "Women Can Hunt Racks Too!" I think that might get him some business.
Now to something serious,
his site reminded me of a very cool song from years ago and I am embedding the video for Rod, Rhonda, Becky and Terri. I think they will enjoy hearing it again.
Remember, the colored girls say ohh, ohh, ohh, ohh uh ouh ouh

He leaves lots of comments as he makes the rounds of the Blogoshere and seems genuinely interested in making his site the very best it can be.
He is also the shirt guy from FieldDressed.com. In honor of the OBS challenge, I have a new T-shirt slogan he can work with, "Women Can Hunt Racks Too!" I think that might get him some business.
Now to something serious,
his site reminded me of a very cool song from years ago and I am embedding the video for Rod, Rhonda, Becky and Terri. I think they will enjoy hearing it again.
Remember, the colored girls say ohh, ohh, ohh, ohh uh ouh ouh
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Women At Deer Camp?

As I was growing up at a hunting camp in the south, it was still a man's world. Yes, I knew a few adult women that hunted but they sure as hell were not going to come to stay at our camp. Men cursed, drank, stank, peed in the yard and were in general pretty uncouth there and it was a true He-Man, Woman-Haters Club. Everyone knew women could not hunt. They took too long to do anything, always had to go to the bathroom and got cold. Plus they always wanted you to clean this, or clean that and everything at camp was icky to them anyway.

Hunting was for tough guys. Even my sister was treated this way and told to stay home with her Mama. I do not say this was right, it was just the way it was.
This was my thought at a young age, but slowly it has evolved until I see it in a whole new light, as have all the men of my family.
As I grew older, I still thought of hunting and camp as a very virile sport, and going to camp was a place for kids like me to be treated as men. Deer camp was not for girls! Then I learned a lesson. The lesson came when I held my newborn baby daughter in my hands and realized the importance of making sure to spend as much time as I could with her while I could. My eyes opened and I began to realize there were a lot of women out there that hunted, and having them at camp was pretty much OK. Once they were accepted, I found out they were eager to pull their weight, eager to learn, and a lot of fun to hunt with.

Marian has hunted with me many times and she is a joy to have at camp. My children and Pauls children all hunt and if some one is getting dressed and walks by a doorway in their underwear, the girls don't bellyache and act like they are insulted. They politely turn their heads and keep doing whatever. None of them have shirked their duty to be good sportspeople, to abide by the rules and game laws and to dress their kill if they take an animal. It is part of it and I have found that the women that hunt accept that responsibility as being part of the club. A lot of them can drink and spit peanut hulls into the fire as well as you can, and they are as competitive as any hunters you have known. In fact, I am looking forward to meeting and getting all my female link friends to come visit and hunt with me when they can.
This is a little rambling, but the truth is here. Women are a wonderful part of the Outdoor tradition, and us men need to encourage every woman to get involved.
PS That damn Thunderhoof loves women hunters and that is good enough for me.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Linking A Buffet

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
An ATO Hog Party
Cancun, MS> Paul goes on an annual Golf Trip each year with a bunch of our old fraternity brothers from ATO. I have been on the trip and it is a lot of fun. this year Paul invited a couple of these guys down to have a hog hunt last weekend. It is a busy time and only a few came but they had a great hunt. Shown are Paul with Alan Mcleod and David Hyde who have always been wonderful guests at the famous Christmas Place.
David is the big guy on the right and he blasted this 220 lb. wild hog off of the Point Stand. He hunted that morning and saw a lot of wildlife (deer, coyote, hawks etc.) but no hogs. At 9 o'clock he decided to get down draped his rifle sling over a branch and wiggled his big butt around to get out of the stand. It is a tight fit up there and finally his manuvering got one foot on the steps as he hung half off in open space trying to not get killed. He looked to his left and the big hog was staring at him. Isn't that the way it always happens? Somehow he managed to get his rifle, put a bullet in it, get a rest on the floor of the stand and shoot. I guess the hog was so busy laughing it forgot to run. A fun hunt and a good memory for our old friend.
Here is Dad doing his job and bringing in the big rascal. You can even see the tusk sticking out from the hogs mouth.
My hog hunt is being organized for two weekends from now, hopefully. This hog hunting is rather fun and I wish I could have a womens hog hunt, that would be a heck of a lot of fun.
Marian, Brenda, Holly, Elizabeth, and any more of the ladies that would be interested. Hey! we could use Phillip for bait.
David is the big guy on the right and he blasted this 220 lb. wild hog off of the Point Stand. He hunted that morning and saw a lot of wildlife (deer, coyote, hawks etc.) but no hogs. At 9 o'clock he decided to get down draped his rifle sling over a branch and wiggled his big butt around to get out of the stand. It is a tight fit up there and finally his manuvering got one foot on the steps as he hung half off in open space trying to not get killed. He looked to his left and the big hog was staring at him. Isn't that the way it always happens? Somehow he managed to get his rifle, put a bullet in it, get a rest on the floor of the stand and shoot. I guess the hog was so busy laughing it forgot to run. A fun hunt and a good memory for our old friend.
Here is Dad doing his job and bringing in the big rascal. You can even see the tusk sticking out from the hogs mouth.
My hog hunt is being organized for two weekends from now, hopefully. This hog hunting is rather fun and I wish I could have a womens hog hunt, that would be a heck of a lot of fun.
Marian, Brenda, Holly, Elizabeth, and any more of the ladies that would be interested. Hey! we could use Phillip for bait.
Monday, February 09, 2009
A Buddy Link
A new link has been added to my sidebar. This blog is run by Brenda and has a lot of neat stuff you can mosey around doing while you visit. The name of this blog is
My Hunting Buddies.
Now Brenda is located in LA and like other California hunters, seems to have an overwhelming desire to kill wild hogs.
Her blog has a place to upload pics; I can't find mine but Marians' is plastered everywhere, areas for discussion with other hunters, a forum to sell stuff there, and a place to write your own blog or help with theirs. Plus she gives lots of links to other blogs. She has joined the OBS and is quickly making a name in our circle. Please go check out her site, post a pic of yourself and make a new and very interesting friend.
My Hunting Buddies.

Now Brenda is located in LA and like other California hunters, seems to have an overwhelming desire to kill wild hogs.
Her blog has a place to upload pics; I can't find mine but Marians' is plastered everywhere, areas for discussion with other hunters, a forum to sell stuff there, and a place to write your own blog or help with theirs. Plus she gives lots of links to other blogs. She has joined the OBS and is quickly making a name in our circle. Please go check out her site, post a pic of yourself and make a new and very interesting friend.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
It's A War Out There
Montezuma, MS> There is a very good reason why we hunt deer down here in Mississippi. The deer here are not stupid like those deer in Goon's North Dakota area. They are not like those fat Canuckian Deer of Othmars either. Trust me, we don't get to hunt till up in the spring for those sissy, flower chomping Virginia Deer of Matts. Down here the deer are mean, hateful critters that will attack a man quicker than you can say "Hunt Smart, Think Safety". They are wild, vicious creatures always plotting the overthrow of the humans. They are also lethal suicide killers that attack unsuspecting motorist along Hwy 49 any chance they get.
Ricky Berry sent me a pic of one such recent attack. Beware it's a war out there.
Ricky Berry sent me a pic of one such recent attack. Beware it's a war out there.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009
National Signing Day
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Monday, February 02, 2009
Groundhog Day

Punxatawney, MS> Mark Stewart has become our resident Hog slayer at the famous Christmas Place. Wild Hogs or Groundhogs, makes no difference to him as long as it's a hog. What better way to celebrate Groundhog day than by blasting one of the overlarge rodents that infest the place. Here he is with a medium size one that he blasted. You know, that Mark hates a damn hog (of any kind). Let's see Kees top that.
Sunday, February 01, 2009

I have finally moved into the top 100,000 blogs on Technorati. If you read this and are not a Technorati member, please go over and sign up to be ranked, check your links and blog reactions, and to Ping them to update everyday.
Being a member here is also a way we locate you for the Outdoor Blogger Summit membership when you add the OBS badge. It is one of the few sites on the net that I use everyday.
PS> Maybe one day I can be as famous as GuyK at Charming, Just Charming!
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