There are two things you do not see in Mississippi. The first is
panthers and the second is bears. I got this link from my local newspaper,
The North Mississippi Herald about someone that took a picture of a bear in Panola County, the next county to us.
No way, it must be Bigfoot.
Hey - Is David Howell, editor of the bear post related to you?
Editor that could have been Paul disgused trying to take another great buck.
Wow. Now that is interesting. Looks like a bear to me.
Looks like a bear to me. Maybe a bear season will be in your future.
Marian- David Howell is not related but is a really nice guy.
I wish Paul would dress as a big buck in the woods instead of a bear.
maybe one day we will actually be able to see bears or a panther from our stands, that would be cool.
You’re right Rex. I see many bears and that is nor bear. ;) So it must be bigfoot. :)
I think someone has did a bit of photo shop and put the tail of a diving whale in the picture. That ain't like any bear I ever saw in the woods..or in town either for that matter
Rex, tell Sasquatch to get his butt back here to the Pacific Northwest where he belongs.
No need going around exciting all the folks in your neck of the woods.
Yea Rex, Yall laughed me off the premises when I saw a Bear at the old Deer carcass disposal area. I wish I had had a camera
you were under the influence of Peach Brandy at the time so we are not sure if you saw anything.
Too bad. I cut my literary teeth reading Faulkner's "The Bear" about hunting in the great Missippi woods. Maybe, like wolves in Montana and elk in Pennsylvania, they're coming back?
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