The season had wound down to the very last day and just about everyone had taken a deer. Everyone that is, except my brother Paul. Paul was moping around the camp crying and weeping that he had not taken a deer and the season was over. Dad talked to him and tried to reassure him that it didn’t matter, when the thought of the stand he had built popped into his mind. He told Paul that they would hunt that afternoon. They would stop on the way home and he could hunt on the River Stand and to not give up.

Later that afternoon they walked deep into the swamp and got Paul situated. Dad, then told Paul he would make a couple of big loops and hopefully a deer would move his way. He trudged off and started a big slow circle. Walking, watching and waiting, he found a big log, and sat down to wait a little while.
He thought about Paul and how much he wanted him to get a deer and whispered "Lord, please help that boy get a deer" He was answered by a loud gunshot "BLAM!", then "BLAM" again. He hurried to Paul and yelled "Did you get him?" "Yes sir"
"He's on the other side of the river!" The big buck had leaped into the river and just made it to the far side as it died. A big, big 9-point that took a trip wading the river to get out. A magnificent trophy prayed up for Paul.
As you can tell, another reason he is spoiled rotten.
Great story, and wonderful old hunting picture...
that's a pig of a buck too!
Dr. Mule really has it made! :)
Wow great buck.
I have to admit that I pray every time I settle into my stand. Unfortunately it has worked out quite as well for me as it did for Paul.
Great story! While I also pray for deer to come from time to time, I've also stepped back and thought if the deer are praying that they Don't walk in front of a hunter! It's kind of like praying for your favorite team - if God wants your team to win, does he want the other team to lose?
I was thinking along the lines of deerphd. Which team's side is God on? Hunter or huntee?
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
I can't tell you how many times I've prayed for my son to bag something. He's young (11) and still forming his attitudes about hunting, so I work desperately to make sure he bags something - anything - whenever we go out. Needless to say, it does take some prayer some days!
Nice story and beautiful buck.
Great story. It is always nice to hear the "when we were young" stories.
I have one of the favorites in the family. It is the oldest brother.
At first glance at the picture, I thought it was you. Did he mount the buck? It's really a nice one and enjoyed reading the story.
That just goes to show you that you never know when they'll show up! Great story.
Great story on cousin Paul.Your father must have known Paul was going to turn out and be a rich and prosperous attorney and that's why he took care of him so well as a child (HAHA). I hope ya'll had a good final weekend at camp,ours was interesting and expensive.Ran out of propane Friday night (cold) gas man came out Saturday 100 gallon minimum at 3.79 and a 50.00 Saturday delevery charge! Venison is running about 250.00 a pound now! Jim came down with his children Saturday afternoon,no deer killed this weekend but we had a good time anyway.It was a great season for the children,can only hope next year will bring the same results.
Glad the deer made it across the river it could have drowned( hehehe ). Nice BUCK AND GREAT STORY.
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