He needs to quit loafing and get moving!

Getting packed and ready to head to camp. Shot the rifles yesterday and Spencer and Erin both did well. Hope she will blog about that and this weekend.
Everyone is excited and ready to get after those deer.
I think it will be the best Youth Hunt ever.
Before I leave, I want to mention a couple of things to some of you. Matt, hate that you are not here, make sure to come later this year.
Marian, we have your stand ready but be careful of that Mysterious Ghost Light while hunting there.
I have a new link to share also.

This is the Western Sportsman Blog, which is associated with a pretty interesting magazine.

His name is David Webb and his blog is a really nice addition for any of us in the hunting category of blogging. They cover all aspects of hunting and you need to go over and give him a shout.
We ought to blast a whole truckload of deer this weekend, so leave your orders for steak, tenderloin, etc. See you when I get back.
Nice, good luck to you and enjoy yourself at Deer Camp!
Glad to hear your Dad is doing ok. Been praying for him. Tell him Deer Camp heals all wounds and he'll feel 100% better once he is there :-)
Gald to hear your dad is recovering. Good luck - and I'll take 4 tenderloin packages, 6 backstrap packages, 10 flank steak, and 20 packages of ground venison, and 5 pounds of jerky. Thanks. If you need my address, you're welcome to email me.
lol,so nice
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