Economic Stimulus Package 34972-A
SB BR-549
As the economy has worsened, so has the revenue from many sources thought to be financially stable. So it is not a complete surprise that revenue received from blog ads or click ads has fallen sharply in the last three quarters.
Technorati statistics show that there are at least 90 million blogs around the globe that may be in trouble as a direct result of the economic instability in the United States.

Millions of bloggers are faced with real financial difficulties such as getting a real job, shaving, getting up before noon, or getting out of their pajamas and actually working. Some may even be kicked out of their parents house. Many bloggers have found their revenue and reason to live cut off since the Presidential Election.
Millions of these bloggers may have to lay themselves off. They face the prospect of no unemployment benefits, no pension, no health care and especially no internet service for the unforeseeable future.
A well known, brilliant blogger named Rex Howell, from the OBS group has started a national campaign for relief to this affected group and is calling for a stimulus package of $64 billion dollars to insure that

Plus, jobs can interfere with hunting season.
Mr. Howell (sadly) is also prepared to step in as the point man to oversee the distribution of the funds from his new office at Othmar Towers.
Please call your Congressman and support Stimulus Package 34972-A to help bloggers everywhere. (there might be something in it for you)
I need a chunk of that!
If this stimulus package can help keep me from my job and I don't have to shave anymore then I'm all for that especially if I can stay in my pajamas all day (opps I don't wear any pajamas ).
I need a chunk of that as well. I'll whatever petition you've got:)
I could use a bail out and a few more days so I can finally get to the field to hunt.
Done deal. I just emailed all Idaho's congressmen. They've all emailed back, though saying they've quit their jobs and have started blogging and are hoping they can get a cut of this, too. Stupid politicians, anyways.
I'm on board with this. I mean, there are more of us than there are of them and if anybody deserves anything it would be us who do all this... this... stuff that it is that we do. So count me in.
hey reddog im available to help with this great idea just let me know what i need to do, are pajamas a must need to know up front before i commit. lol
Politics is about trade offs so I'll do a trade with you.
I support this bail out if you will in turn support my request for a subsidy for my grass burr and fireant farn on swetthings half acre...and I am also considering asking for a subsidy for the armadillo pasture and a grant to study the noctoral habits of palmetto bugs
Your help will be appreciated
Not long ago, I have thought about something like that, but I did not realize you are so deep, it seems that I need to continuously strengthen the learning!
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