Today is the 2nd anniversary of my blogging career. I started blogging on a very cold day in
February 2006. It has been two fun years and I am still excited to post every day. I have met some great friends and am looking forward to having each of them visit me at the
Christmas Place as soon as we can put it together. You visitors please leave a comment and come back often to visit. I appreciate links and hope we are all here for another year too.
Congratulations on two years. Keep up the good work!
Congrats on two years. Keep the good stuff coming!
I don't hunt anything but the dog when he gets out and I went to school all my life in the same grade with your damn Paul and I just want to say that I very much enjoy reading your blog. I have not lived in WV in 32 years but I read the paper on line and there I discovered your blog and now I read it just about everyday. I think you should write your own book about something because you certainly are entertaining to read. Good luck w/ turkey hunting!
Congrats Rex! I hope to see you around in the blogoshpere for many more years to come!
thanks everyone and especially Judy. Thank you for your kind words and if you have been reading very long, you will know that Paul is the same sorry, pain in the rear he has always been.
Please send my link to your friends and visit often.
As for the book, read my Spooky stories collection and let me know if they would make a book of short stories.
Congratulations Rex on your 2nd anniversary of blogging. :) You have entertained and lifted my spirts everyday when I read your Deer Camp Blog. Wishing you many more years of fun blogging my friend/mentor! :)
so daddy you can put your 2nd blogirtday ......but you wont even put my birthday last year when i turned 10
Good show Rex! Two years is a long time.. I know..I am working on year three..started on the 24 of July 2005.
As you have found out bloggin' can turn into work but I figure it is worth it if for nothing else the wonderful folks I have met through the blog.
With luck I may get out your way in the fall..before deer season of course..I'm too old and beat up to sit in a stand these days. But I can still fish.
Congratulations on your Blogirthday! Here's hoping you will have many more. You have a way with putting the right spin on the words to keep us coming back for more...
congratulations on 2 years! keep on keepin' on, the blog is great!
Congrats on your second annual founders' day! Or something like that. Or nothing like that. It's that kind of morning... but I'm glad you've been around this long. It gives me something to aspire to!
Sorry I am late on this-
"Happy Bloggerverssary"
Congratulations on the second birthday of your blog. Keep up the good work.
Congrats on your 2nd year! I always enjoy reading your blog.
Congrats - keep up the good work!
As usual I'm late on things. Congratulations on your 2nd year of blogging! Keep up the good work!
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