Tonight we are going to meet our friends Greg (Old Scratch) Jones and and his wonderful wife Kim, Mark (Mailrider) Stewart and his wife Kim (Bear Claw) at the Windy City Grill in Como, MS. We are having drinks at 6:30 and dinner at 7:00. If you are in the neighborhood stop by for a drink or join us for dinner.

The kids are about to worry me to death about Webkinz for Valentines Day. They are the latest, greatest thing and it looks like I will have to get those for the girls and Spencer needs a turkey call.
You and Denise have a wonderful Valentine's Day and enjoy your dinner. Bob and I are going out also and most likely it will be Goldie's Trail Bar-B-Q! :) Yum!
Sounds like a great time and I am seriously going to show the Mrs. the camo lingerie pictures tonight. I might be able to talk her into it.
you can talk her into it, but the secret is to talk her out of them.
My daughter has 13 of those Web animals. Reminds me of the Cabbage Patch dolls. I like the pj's.
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