Water Valley, MS> Each year many of the wonderful and thoughtful hunters at the Famous Christmas Place Hunting Club send me letters complimenting the integrity of the Bodock Times. They tell their colorful deer hunting stories or give insights into secret deer hunting information. The editor feels that now is a good time to let YOU, the reader, get a feel for the love shown by our members and guest to our top journalistic writer.
p.s. the names are changed to protect the innocent
Dear Editor,
As attorney for the Unions of America, I resent you calling us thieves and liars.
Our hit men will be coming to visit.
Don Giovanno
Editor, Bodock Times
This filthy piece of yellow journalism has made me the laughingstock of
all my friends. I am going to sue the living hell out of you!
P.H. (Brushcutter)
Dear Editor,
I was not drunk. signed: Hiccup Jones
As the principal stockholder in the Christmas Place Hunting Club I want you to know that
1. it did snow
2. there was a peacock
3. I did see a comet
4. we are going to get you
Dear Editor,
for some time you have been elaborating on my deer hunting prowess and the great city of Memphis. I want you to personally know that I do not sleep till noon everyday, The buck I killed was not a fawn, I hate the movie “The Deerhunter”, and I can beat the hell out of Paul any day of the week playing golf. signed: Memphis Pro
The judicial system in Mississippi is concerned that your editorials
put the entire justice system at risk in this country with your lies,
slander, and misreporting on our client. If you do not cease and
desist, we are going to sue you for everything you’ve got!
signed: Trial Lawyers Assn. (Trent H-Pres.)
Dear Editor: We want that cannon! and the gold too! signed: Historical society
Dear Idiot! Camo did not save my year! signed Doggie boy
Dear Editor, As long as you are in charge, the deer will have a voice in the
activities of these idiots! Keep up the Good Work! signed: Thunderhoof
Dear Editor:I want you to know that I did not take a crap in my own
stand! signed: Crooked Cane