Deer Camp Blog- the outdoor column of The Bodock Times- (a satirical periodical) Humor and Hunting at the famous Christmas Place Plantation Hunting Club on the edge of the Mississippi Delta
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Lightning Bolt
A closer look at the big buck Trent whacked in the still season. Spencer quickly named this buck Lightning Bolt.
Monday, December 29, 2008
After Christmas Deer Assault
Everyone headed to camp the day after Christmas and by the time I had arrived Friday afternoon, Burney had already scored. A very nice 9-point that should not have stopped in front of him at the last minute of daylight. BOOM!
That shot started a wild weekend.
Saturday the wind blew and we thought the deer would lay up but we gave it the old college try across the Beaverdam. We saw a bunch of deer and at 8:15 AM, I heard Mark (Mailman) Stewart shoot. Boom!
Another nice deer, this time an 8-point had tarried too long and got blasted. That afternoon his son Drew dropped a young doe so we had plenty of deer to work on.
At lunch, people started to arrive for a Christmas Lunch. My Aunt Marilyn came and she brought my wonderful cousin Noelle and her kids Pete and Shelley. My sister Holly was there with her husband Dennis and their teenage son named Zach. Mrs. Dorothy Henry, our neighbor, came over and we had wild hog and all the trimmings and the kids exchanged Christmas Presents.
The wind finally blew up a tremendous storm that night but cleared by daylight and we headed to our stands. BOOM! Burney shot. BOOM! then BOOM! Burney was blasting away. Then another shot below the Indian Mound BOOM! Oh hell!
When I got back to camp Burney had blasted a couple of wild hogs and a coyote.
Here he is with Pete and Zach.
Trent staggered in and said that he finally got the deer he had been waiting for.
Two groups set out. One to get the hog and one to get Trents' buck.
Holy Crap! What a Buck! A big heavy horned deer with 9-points and some kind of impressive. The kind you want in your scope just one time.
Here are Trent, Pete and Burney with the big buck and hog. A great after Christmas Hunt!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The Night Before Deer Season
T’was the night before deer season 
and all through the bunkhouse,
not a creature was stirring,
except Trent and Paul quiet as a mouse.
The guns were all stacked by
the back door with care.
In hopes that the mad rush to the
boxstand would start there.
The hunters were nestled all snug
in their beds, while visions of
Thunderhoof danced in their heads.
With Rex and Burney freezing in the back
Paul and Trent plotted how to kill a big rack!
Then out in the yard arose such a clatter,
Paul and Trent loaded their guns to go see what's the matter.
Burney and Rex looked out at the new fallen snow,
and Hershel spoke up “I see a red glow!”
Then what to their wandering eyes should appear
but a miniature sleigh and eight giant horned deer.
With a little old driver so lively and quick,
Paul couldn’t get off a shot at the deer of St. Nick!
“On Dasher! On Dancer, On Prancer and Vixen,
Run Comet, Run Cupid, duck Donder and Blitzen!
From the top of the porch, to the top of the wall,
Dash Away, Dash Away, before those fools kill us all!
Then in an instant we heard on the roof,
the prancing and pawing of each giant hoof.
As Hershel pulled in his head and was turning around,
down the chimney came an angry St. Nick with a bound.
He was angry and red from his head to his feet,
and the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He spoke not a word but went straight to his work,
He filled all the stocking and said with a smirk
"Pop got shells to kill some old ducks,
Rex and Burney got giant big bucks
Bobby got a shovel to bury his money in a big hole,
Paul and Trent got nothing but coal. "
Then laying his finger aside of his nose,
and giving the finger, up the chimney he rose!
But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight.
"Merry Christmas to all,
Trent and Paul this just ain’t your night! "

and all through the bunkhouse,
not a creature was stirring,
except Trent and Paul quiet as a mouse.
The guns were all stacked by
the back door with care.
In hopes that the mad rush to the
boxstand would start there.
The hunters were nestled all snug

in their beds, while visions of
Thunderhoof danced in their heads.
With Rex and Burney freezing in the back
Paul and Trent plotted how to kill a big rack!
Then out in the yard arose such a clatter,
Paul and Trent loaded their guns to go see what's the matter.

Burney and Rex looked out at the new fallen snow,
and Hershel spoke up “I see a red glow!”
Then what to their wandering eyes should appear
but a miniature sleigh and eight giant horned deer.
With a little old driver so lively and quick,
Paul couldn’t get off a shot at the deer of St. Nick!
“On Dasher! On Dancer, On Prancer and Vixen,
Run Comet, Run Cupid, duck Donder and Blitzen!
From the top of the porch, to the top of the wall,

Dash Away, Dash Away, before those fools kill us all!
Then in an instant we heard on the roof,
the prancing and pawing of each giant hoof.
As Hershel pulled in his head and was turning around,
down the chimney came an angry St. Nick with a bound.
He was angry and red from his head to his feet,

and the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He spoke not a word but went straight to his work,
He filled all the stocking and said with a smirk
"Pop got shells to kill some old ducks,
Rex and Burney got giant big bucks
Bobby got a shovel to bury his money in a big hole,
Paul and Trent got nothing but coal. "
Then laying his finger aside of his nose,
and giving the finger, up the chimney he rose!

But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight.
"Merry Christmas to all,
Trent and Paul this just ain’t your night! "
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Deer Camp Christmas Card 2008

Send a pic and I can still fit you in.
Click on this to get a larger view.
Change zoom level at bottom right hand side of your screen to 150% for a close look.
Best results are to print this in landscape mode on a legal size piece of paper.
(click-fit to paper)
Merry Christmas to all of you, thank you for your friendship and links and a great wish for all of you to have a great New Year.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas Card Update 3
I still lack a half dozen pics but the Christmas Card is going up around noon tomorrow, come hell or high water.
Antler Bowl Results
Cotton Bowl, MS> In a wild and thrilling game this weekend of the Still Hunting Season, The Marauders eeked out a win over the Bucks in a close one, 28-26. This was a thrilling game with Trent Howell taking the opening kickoff back for a touchdown with a really nice 10-point from the Box Field. This started the game with a frenzy even though Burney was quickly faked at the Double Whiteoak as the Bucks scored.
Then Austin Howell took a long shot at the Leevee Stand and connected on his first buck. A great 8-point!! Congratulations on a really fine first deer. The bucks countered with small bucks in front of Spencer and Rex and the game was at 14-13.
The next day the odds turned against the Bucks as Trent took a magnificent white horned 10-point near the Beaverdam. This bruiser weighed 225lbs. and had a Z- shape on the end of it's antler. Might be kin to that Potter kid.
Several more small bucks were passed up for Buck fieldgoals and this was followed up by a routine but long tined 8-point taken by Paul at East Gate
Two quick escapes and the score was 28-16 as Paul managed to let a big one slip by him later to keep the score close.
The weather changed and all the starters were unable to finish the game as they had already blasted their deer. The Bucks were regrouping to run freely through the Marauder lines.
Late in the game with the time running out for the Marauders, they finally brought in Rex Howell from gathering splinters on the bench. In one heroic moment at the 72 Acre Field, A giant 9-point with a Droptine was dropped and ended the game with the Marauders on top 35-26.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Trent called and said he got a big 10-point. I am out of here. Will check in Monday, hell maybe Tuesday, with pics and a report. Good Hunting everyone!
Antler Bowl 2008

Cotton Bowl, MS> This weekend marks the famous rivalry clash between the Bighorn Bucks of Christmas Deer University and the Marauders of the Christmas Place Military Academy. This annual meeting happens during the Still Hunting opener every year. Both teams seem to be at their peak this year and it should be an interesting weekend. Paul Howell is quarterbacking this year and a guest (Matt Stone) will be at flanker. Rex Howell seems to be on the bench again this year.
Thunderhoof has a great team this year for the bucks and they have been tearing up the opposition all over the delta.
Will let you know the results soon.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A Christmas Ghost
Christmas at the famous Christmas Place Hunting Club is always filled with laughter, hard hunting and the sharing of good times with family and friends. This is usually the heart of the rut and the expectancy of big bucks is always in the air. This is a great place to enjoy hunting but sometimes it can take a strange and unexpected turn.
Not a half mile from the camp, I had located a large knoll that had some very good buck sign on it. The area had the look of an old houseplace with the large oak trees, some flowers growing here and there and lots and lots of cedar trees. Large scrapes covered the hill and large hooks were all over the cedars there. Late that afternoon which was two days before Christmas; I set my climbing stand on the SE corner of this area with a clear shot on the trails leading up to it and a good lane to catch a deer slipping across it. My setup was perfect and as the holidays came closer I was anxious to get to this new stand.
That morning the wind was completely wrong and I had hunted in a different area with no success. The wind shifted that afternoon and by 2:00 PM I was in my tree relaxed and waiting. I did see a couple of deer that afternoon, a four point and a couple of does but no shooter. At 5:30PM it was pretty dark and I carefully worked the climbing stand down the tree, turned on my flahlight and started back to the truck.
I worked up and along the center of the knoll and as I walked up a trail, I became aware of a slight glow in front of me about fifty yards away. I could not tell what it was, but knew it was not supposed to be there. I turned off my flashlight and silently moved forward through the woods until I could clearly see.
In an opening near the road a Christmas tree was shining. I could clearly see candles on the tree and presents underneath. There was movement and two children darted up to look at the packages. They were laughing and talking while they played with the wrapped packages. I then became aware that a woman was seated in a chair near them while a man moved behind her. She was pretty and pointed to different areas under the tree for them to look as she laughed and talked to them. The man stood behind her with his back to me and then a quick movement of his arm and tinny Christmas music sounded from a phonograph. The people, tree, and wall all were slightly transparent and all I could do was watch from 20 yards away.
One of the children looked up and saw me, then both children waved at me. I do not know what you would have done, but I raised my hand and waved back.
The man and woman both looked at me then and that is when I saw the side of the mans' face. It was burned and blackened and seemed melted down the side. They stared at me for aminute as I just stared back in wonder. anger seemed to flood the mans' features and in a second the light went out, and they were all gone. I stood alone on the edge of the clearing.
Who were these strange ghosts and what is their story? I do not know their tragic story yet.
Not a half mile from the camp, I had located a large knoll that had some very good buck sign on it. The area had the look of an old houseplace with the large oak trees, some flowers growing here and there and lots and lots of cedar trees. Large scrapes covered the hill and large hooks were all over the cedars there. Late that afternoon which was two days before Christmas; I set my climbing stand on the SE corner of this area with a clear shot on the trails leading up to it and a good lane to catch a deer slipping across it. My setup was perfect and as the holidays came closer I was anxious to get to this new stand.
That morning the wind was completely wrong and I had hunted in a different area with no success. The wind shifted that afternoon and by 2:00 PM I was in my tree relaxed and waiting. I did see a couple of deer that afternoon, a four point and a couple of does but no shooter. At 5:30PM it was pretty dark and I carefully worked the climbing stand down the tree, turned on my flahlight and started back to the truck.
I worked up and along the center of the knoll and as I walked up a trail, I became aware of a slight glow in front of me about fifty yards away. I could not tell what it was, but knew it was not supposed to be there. I turned off my flashlight and silently moved forward through the woods until I could clearly see.

In an opening near the road a Christmas tree was shining. I could clearly see candles on the tree and presents underneath. There was movement and two children darted up to look at the packages. They were laughing and talking while they played with the wrapped packages. I then became aware that a woman was seated in a chair near them while a man moved behind her. She was pretty and pointed to different areas under the tree for them to look as she laughed and talked to them. The man stood behind her with his back to me and then a quick movement of his arm and tinny Christmas music sounded from a phonograph. The people, tree, and wall all were slightly transparent and all I could do was watch from 20 yards away.
One of the children looked up and saw me, then both children waved at me. I do not know what you would have done, but I raised my hand and waved back.
The man and woman both looked at me then and that is when I saw the side of the mans' face. It was burned and blackened and seemed melted down the side. They stared at me for aminute as I just stared back in wonder. anger seemed to flood the mans' features and in a second the light went out, and they were all gone. I stood alone on the edge of the clearing.
Who were these strange ghosts and what is their story? I do not know their tragic story yet.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Christmas Card Update #2
The card is coming along but the damn mammoth is crowding everyone.
Please send a pic ASAP.
This needs to be finished and out early next week.
Thanks to everyone for sending their new pics. I will probably have to use a few from last year but am doing the best I can.
Hope to write about a strange encounter at the famous Christmas Place one eerie Christmas night very soon.
PS- Kristine and Dianna need to send theirs too.
Please send a pic ASAP.
This needs to be finished and out early next week.
Thanks to everyone for sending their new pics. I will probably have to use a few from last year but am doing the best I can.
Hope to write about a strange encounter at the famous Christmas Place one eerie Christmas night very soon.
PS- Kristine and Dianna need to send theirs too.
WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!
Go over and look at what is probably the new world record whitetail buck at
Hunting-A Way of Life.
UPDATE This deer has been classified as ineligible.
This was a breeder buck, purchased and shot inside an escape proof enclosure.
Boone and Crockett Website
Hunting-A Way of Life.
UPDATE This deer has been classified as ineligible.
This was a breeder buck, purchased and shot inside an escape proof enclosure.
Boone and Crockett Website
Monday, December 15, 2008
Click, Click, Boom!
Jim Dandy, MS> This past weekend was the last for the muzzleloading season and when Spencer, Camo and I arrived at camp the hanging pole was already full. Eddie Mangum had taken a young doe and Austin had taken a nice hog. Looked like the weekend was going to be great.
It rapidly went south when the next morning Eddie hunted the Box Field. Before he could even get set in his stand a big buck walked out almost under him. He raised up with his .45-70. Click! The gun misfired. Click, Click, Click! The deer wandered off.
He took the bullet out and shoved another one in. An hour later, another big buck comes out at the top of the field. He raised his rifle. Click!, Oh s##t! Click, Click, Damn! The big buck drifted away. He replaced the bullet and hung his head down. Once again he looked up and Old Ned was ambling across the field. He raised his rifle, quickly aimed. Blam! The deer never looked up. Holy Moses! He reloaded. Blam! The deer scratched his butt with a big antler and stepped off in the woods.
This was just too weird. Of course it is Eddie we are talking about. To save a little face, when the doe jumped up in front of him, he made a perfect shot and loaded her on the 4-wheeler.
He shuffled back to camp heartbroken.
Paul had his muzzleloader ready that morning and as always had not been on his stand an hour when a big buck came racing down the hill and stopped broad side at 20 yards.
He raised his rifle and aimed. This buck was about to be smoked. He shot! Click! Yikes. Click! Click! The deer bounded away.
He returned back to camp to a nice round of jeers..
It looked hopeless and more like the Moron Camp Part II.
Spencer went to the base of the leevee that afternoon and lo and behold a nice 8-point came out. Blam! Dead Buck! This was Spencers first buck taken while completely hunting on his own. All the kids loaded up and brought the deer back.
Spencer returned to camp a hero!

The next morning, Paul returned to the Hole Stand. He saw nothing and got off his stand and started wandering around. Deer appeared all around him. A big buck came trotting up to him. Does this happen to anyone else? BOOM! Smoke went everywhere, The big buck lay dead as a doornail in the swamp.
Paul returned to camp to fetch his entourage to get the big SOB.
He thinks he is a damn hero too.
All in all a weekend that went from heart wrenching agony to total ectasy.

It rapidly went south when the next morning Eddie hunted the Box Field. Before he could even get set in his stand a big buck walked out almost under him. He raised up with his .45-70. Click! The gun misfired. Click, Click, Click! The deer wandered off.
He took the bullet out and shoved another one in. An hour later, another big buck comes out at the top of the field. He raised his rifle. Click!, Oh s##t! Click, Click, Damn! The big buck drifted away. He replaced the bullet and hung his head down. Once again he looked up and Old Ned was ambling across the field. He raised his rifle, quickly aimed. Blam! The deer never looked up. Holy Moses! He reloaded. Blam! The deer scratched his butt with a big antler and stepped off in the woods.
This was just too weird. Of course it is Eddie we are talking about. To save a little face, when the doe jumped up in front of him, he made a perfect shot and loaded her on the 4-wheeler.
He shuffled back to camp heartbroken.
Paul had his muzzleloader ready that morning and as always had not been on his stand an hour when a big buck came racing down the hill and stopped broad side at 20 yards.
He raised his rifle and aimed. This buck was about to be smoked. He shot! Click! Yikes. Click! Click! The deer bounded away.
He returned back to camp to a nice round of jeers..
It looked hopeless and more like the Moron Camp Part II.
Spencer went to the base of the leevee that afternoon and lo and behold a nice 8-point came out. Blam! Dead Buck! This was Spencers first buck taken while completely hunting on his own. All the kids loaded up and brought the deer back.
Spencer returned to camp a hero!
The next morning, Paul returned to the Hole Stand. He saw nothing and got off his stand and started wandering around. Deer appeared all around him. A big buck came trotting up to him. Does this happen to anyone else? BOOM! Smoke went everywhere, The big buck lay dead as a doornail in the swamp.
Paul returned to camp to fetch his entourage to get the big SOB.
He thinks he is a damn hero too.
All in all a weekend that went from heart wrenching agony to total ectasy.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thoughts On The Outdoor Bloggers Summit
Well it looks like the summit in St. Louis is off. I was looking forward to it, but must admit that with the market like it is, I really am not prepared this year.
What to do, what to do?
An idea has been floating around in my head to maybe invite everyone to the Famous Christmas Place in early May. This would be very inexpensive compared to anything else we could do. The lodging is free and there is enough deer and fish in the freezer to feed an army. The house can hold about 15 people and you real outdoorsy people could bring a couple of tents.
big fires at night, lots of exploring and 4-wheeling, fishing and just visiting for everyone. We might even get a speaker in to help us learn something, plus make the trip tax deductible. (like Thunderhoof)
I think Marian would help, Mushy and David are in TN and might help.
God knows all the Yankees will need a break from the snow.
Phillip could even come over with Holly and blast a wild hog for us to cook.
Let me know your thoughts on this and see if we can put it together.
What to do, what to do?
An idea has been floating around in my head to maybe invite everyone to the Famous Christmas Place in early May. This would be very inexpensive compared to anything else we could do. The lodging is free and there is enough deer and fish in the freezer to feed an army. The house can hold about 15 people and you real outdoorsy people could bring a couple of tents.

big fires at night, lots of exploring and 4-wheeling, fishing and just visiting for everyone. We might even get a speaker in to help us learn something, plus make the trip tax deductible. (like Thunderhoof)
I think Marian would help, Mushy and David are in TN and might help.
God knows all the Yankees will need a break from the snow.
Phillip could even come over with Holly and blast a wild hog for us to cook.
Let me know your thoughts on this and see if we can put it together.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The 41 Point Buck
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
The Neighbors' Deer
The weekend finished on a high note. While I was surrounded by morons, someone that knew how to kill a deer was busy in the woods. Sunday afternoon our neighbor Johnny Granberry pulled up in his truck and showed us this monster buck he had taken. It even made Pauls's knees go weak. Holy Mackeral, it was one big monster buck! I guess there are a few of those still running around loose in the woods. Congratulations!

Monday, December 08, 2008
Camp Moron
This past weekend was a prime example of total incompetence. Unlike other well organized and ideal hunting camps like Camp Chicken or possibly even Camp Cowboy, our camp was akin to a Stooges convention and thus earned the name Camp Moron.
It started Friday afternoon after I put Mr. Jones on the Point Stand. He found himself surrounded by wild hogs after awhile. Now instead of shooting the big hog 50 yards from him, he shoots at the one 200 yards from him. Blam! Oink, ha-ha, Oink, ha-ha! The hog wanders off and he does not shoot any of the others. Moron.
The next morning Paul is sitting on the ground and a young buck sees him. Does it run away? Hell, No! It pats it's foot and bobs it's head and moves closer. Another buck sees this and comes in to look. It sees him too! Does it run? Hell, No! It starts popping it's foot and moving closer. A big buck hears the commotion and runs up to see what is going on. Does this happen to anyone else? Hell, No!
Paul shoots his muzzleloader KA-Plat! Ka-Plat???
The buck runs off, he trails it all morning and it gets away. Not enough powder in rifle. Moron.
Terry Cutrare is on the best big buck stand we have and shoots the first doe he sees. He is a moron even though he got a deer.
Mark stewart has killed the only big buck of the year and has screwed up the whole hunting season because of it. Moron.
Jim Rusch got to the North Cornfield Saturday afternoon and is covered with nice bucks. Finally, Grandpa comes out of the grass. A big 10-point. He figures the distance at 100 yards and levels his muzzleloader. Ka-Boom! The deer looks around.
He reloads, figures it may be a hair further. The deer turns around broadside. Ka-Boom! The deer looks around, figures something is amiss and wanders off. The distance is close to 175 yards. Moron!
Paul lets a big one slip past him the next morning, he may be a double moron.
I haven't even seen a deer to think about shooting so I must be a moron too.
Dad breaks the sink, so we have to replace it. Moron.
Trigger may be the only sane being there.
Here is a pic of Camp Moron.
It started Friday afternoon after I put Mr. Jones on the Point Stand. He found himself surrounded by wild hogs after awhile. Now instead of shooting the big hog 50 yards from him, he shoots at the one 200 yards from him. Blam! Oink, ha-ha, Oink, ha-ha! The hog wanders off and he does not shoot any of the others. Moron.
The next morning Paul is sitting on the ground and a young buck sees him. Does it run away? Hell, No! It pats it's foot and bobs it's head and moves closer. Another buck sees this and comes in to look. It sees him too! Does it run? Hell, No! It starts popping it's foot and moving closer. A big buck hears the commotion and runs up to see what is going on. Does this happen to anyone else? Hell, No!
Paul shoots his muzzleloader KA-Plat! Ka-Plat???
The buck runs off, he trails it all morning and it gets away. Not enough powder in rifle. Moron.
Terry Cutrare is on the best big buck stand we have and shoots the first doe he sees. He is a moron even though he got a deer.
Mark stewart has killed the only big buck of the year and has screwed up the whole hunting season because of it. Moron.
Jim Rusch got to the North Cornfield Saturday afternoon and is covered with nice bucks. Finally, Grandpa comes out of the grass. A big 10-point. He figures the distance at 100 yards and levels his muzzleloader. Ka-Boom! The deer looks around.
He reloads, figures it may be a hair further. The deer turns around broadside. Ka-Boom! The deer looks around, figures something is amiss and wanders off. The distance is close to 175 yards. Moron!
Paul lets a big one slip past him the next morning, he may be a double moron.
I haven't even seen a deer to think about shooting so I must be a moron too.
Dad breaks the sink, so we have to replace it. Moron.
Trigger may be the only sane being there.
Here is a pic of Camp Moron.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Hunting With Camo TV

Hunting With Camo TV
Scene: a hidden ground blind on the edge of a large Greenfield located at a renowned hunting camp in Mississippi called the Christmas Place.
Time: early winter during the peak of the rut
We join our hunters just at daylight as they carefully look through the narrow slots on their blind.
Camo is slowly checking the treeline as his trusty human (Rex Howell)
blows on his grunt call.
Rex- (whispering) Camo, you see anything?

Camo- ruhhh-uhhh
Rex blows the grunt call as Camo scans to the right.
Rex- anything?
camo- ruff!
The big buck eases into the field as Camo bares his fangs and crouches down to wait.
Rex eases up the rifle- Where is he?
Camo- ruff, Grrrrr, ruff
Rex aims, then BLAMMM! the gun goes off!
Camo leaps from the stand and races down the hill.
A few minutes later Camo returns dragging the 200lb. monster buck by the horns,
slings it on the rear of the 4-wheeler; then hops aboard to head for camp.
Ruff!, Ruff! -he says to get Rex moving.
They head back to camp to put the huge buck on the hanging pole.
Another thrilling hunt at the famous Christmas Place by our host and his human companion.
Stay tuned next week as they go after giant wild hogs on
Hunting With Camo.
If you wish to be on the program please email us or leave a comment.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Jones Sights-In The 45-70
BOOOOM!- Caw, Caw, Caw
BOOOOM!- Squawwwk, Oinkkkk, PING!
Yesterday, Mr. Jones and I went to sight in our 45-70 rifles. Mine seemed to be dead on but we had a few typical problems with Old Scratch.
I would have shot his rifle for him but my shoulder was broken after two shots.
BOOOOM!- I think that hit the paper!
Finally, the Outdoor Odyssey was over and we got Mr. Jones sighted in. Now he has no excuses.
BOOOOM!- Squawwwk, Oinkkkk, PING!
Yesterday, Mr. Jones and I went to sight in our 45-70 rifles. Mine seemed to be dead on but we had a few typical problems with Old Scratch.
I would have shot his rifle for him but my shoulder was broken after two shots.
BOOOOM!- I think that hit the paper!
Finally, the Outdoor Odyssey was over and we got Mr. Jones sighted in. Now he has no excuses.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
A .45/70 Rut

The muzzleloading season starts this weekend and Mr. Jones and I are going to have to go shoot our rifles. The .45/70 cal. rifle packs a punch and I am sure I will stagger in Dazed with my arm mangled after I get the scope set.
The good thing about these rifles is that if you just shoot in the general direction of something it will fall dead from shock. I plan on going up the lake to my stand at the Forgotten Forty to get Old Ned.
PS- This year Mr. Jones has free rein to shoot a big buck. (hahahaha)
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
A Bright Lammey Future
Abbeville, MS> In the woods northeast of Abbeville, MS and above Graham Lake is the Lammey Camp. The Howell Camp used to be about a mile from them and we all grew up hunting together. At that time, the Lammey Camp was more known for drinking and card playing than deer hunting. This has changed since Davin and Jimmy have had their own kids. Jimmy and his sons, Anthony and James combined with Davin and his sons, Matt and Dean have bought land around them and Jimmy and Davin have invested heavily in teaching their children to hunt. It is remarkable what they have accomplished to help their children learn about hunting and to grow up as men to be proud of.
This past weekend the fruit of their hard work came back to them. Matt Lammey killed this tremendous 11-point near their camp. All of the Howells are extremely proud of him, and hope that the rest of the Lammeys get a buck just like his.
Congrats Matt, on a magnificent trophy whitetail Buck.

This past weekend the fruit of their hard work came back to them. Matt Lammey killed this tremendous 11-point near their camp. All of the Howells are extremely proud of him, and hope that the rest of the Lammeys get a buck just like his.
Congrats Matt, on a magnificent trophy whitetail Buck.

Monday, December 01, 2008
Thanksgiving Hog Camp?
Drumstick, MS> What started as a great deer hunt unraveled quickly Thanksgiving morning as gunshots rang out across the famous Christmas Place. Spencer Howell was on the Sneaky Stand and Michael Howell was at the Point when hogs viciously swarmed them from all sides. Quick thinking and itchy trigger fingers ended the porcine coup attempt. Here is a pic of the three big wild hogs and all the boys, Austin, Spencer, Michael and Zack.
Where, Oh where, is Phillip in these troubled times?
Trust me, it got worse. Burney came in with his big trophy. He managed to blast a damn coyote. Thank goodness for the wild hogs or we would have had to eat coyote for Thanksgiving Lunch. No one was having luck with the deer at all.
Rain and warm temperatures had just about killed the chance of a big buck with an apple in it's mouth on the table for the Holiday.
Things changed as Austin headed to the Sneaky Stand for a chance at whatever would dare to come out of the high grass around the spot. He did not have to wait long and Austin finally got his first deer of the season with a well placed shot. I want to say how proud I am of all the boys for all huntng completely on their own this weekend.
Still it was a relaxed and fun weekend and everybody was up and at 'em on the last morning. We scattered across the property to hunt, and Paul and Michael headed behind the Mountain. As the first sunshine of the weekend entered the deep chasm they were hunting in, they spotted antlers moving through the heavy cane thicket.
Michael raised his .270 Short Mag and blasted the buck about like the Ole Miss Rebels walloped the Mississippi State Bulldogs to oblivion. (45-0) The nice buck hit the ground, averting disaster for the weekend. Congrats on a great 8-point Michael.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
A Brief History of Thunderhoof
Christmas Place, MS> With Thanksgiving here and me disappearing for a couple of days to hunt, I thought that in the spirit of the holiday I would give a brief history of the life of the gigantic buck named Thunderhoof.
That stupid deer thinks this is real funny because he believes that the more I write about him, the less people will believe that he is real. (except for my loyal readers who know that every word I write is true.)
Even so, he is very interested that I write it down correctly. This is his story, at least as I understand it. He is the last of the Irish Elk or Megaloceros.
The story starts 10,000 years ago as the Ice Age is covering the Earth,
The winter gale was blowing furiously as he made his way across the barren hills looking for the herd. Thunderhoof had just reached his prime and even though the wind and lack of food slowed him, he had plenty of power to trudge through the deep snow drifts of the long and unusual winter. He had made circles looking for anything green to eat and finally had cut back and found the tracks of his herd. He bent into the wind and followed them as they headed for the edge of the River Basin.
Thunderhoof stood on the edge of the hills looking down through the blowing snow in hopes of spotting the large herd of deer, but even he could not see over a few yards ahead. He worried because they had chosen to head down toward the mile wide sheet of ice over the River to look for food and to get out of the wind.
He stood still and watched, hoping to see some faint movement, when he became aware that not 8 feet away a human was sitting on a rock looking at him. He turned his mighty head to stare and the man spoke to him. He could understand the words that were softly spoken. The words both calmed him and sent fear to his heart.
The old man said “They are gone Thunderhoof. They have gone the wrong way and will not return. You are now the last of your kind.”
The man got up from the rock, grabbed his wooden staff, pulled his worn gray robe tight around him and stepped closer and looked deep into Thunderhoofs' eyes. “You need to go with me. I have great use for you”
He stepped even closer and rubbed Thunderhoofs’ nose, head and flanks. Thunderhoof felt no fear then. Great warmth and a feeling of peace began to run through him.
The old man smiled warmly and headed back through the snow covered hills. After a last glance for any movement below; Thunderhoof slowly turned and followed behind him.
As they traveled the land seemed to swirl and change. A great feeling of time passing and unknown great events filled him. Moments later they were on a leaf covered path in a bright warm forest as the strange human led him forward to the edge of a great bluff. Inside, Thunderhoof knew that this was the exact spot they had left only a few minutes before. He looked down at the wild and mysterious forest in front of him. He smelled the trees, the wild swamps and forest, the wildlife and heard the forest sounds around him. He knew he was home.
The old man said “I need you to guard and protect the things I have placed here.”
He then ran his fingers in between Thunderhoofs’ gigantic antlers. Knowledge and Understanding of mighty secrets buried in the Earth filled the gigantic deer and the man turned to go. With a wry smile he said “I will visit as often as I can, but you are now the Guardian of the Forest.” He smiled, turned and headed away from him through the woods. Thunderhoof watched as the old man seemed to fade away as he quietly stepped along a path through the woods.

That stupid deer thinks this is real funny because he believes that the more I write about him, the less people will believe that he is real. (except for my loyal readers who know that every word I write is true.)
Even so, he is very interested that I write it down correctly. This is his story, at least as I understand it. He is the last of the Irish Elk or Megaloceros.
The story starts 10,000 years ago as the Ice Age is covering the Earth,
The winter gale was blowing furiously as he made his way across the barren hills looking for the herd. Thunderhoof had just reached his prime and even though the wind and lack of food slowed him, he had plenty of power to trudge through the deep snow drifts of the long and unusual winter. He had made circles looking for anything green to eat and finally had cut back and found the tracks of his herd. He bent into the wind and followed them as they headed for the edge of the River Basin.
Thunderhoof stood on the edge of the hills looking down through the blowing snow in hopes of spotting the large herd of deer, but even he could not see over a few yards ahead. He worried because they had chosen to head down toward the mile wide sheet of ice over the River to look for food and to get out of the wind.

He stood still and watched, hoping to see some faint movement, when he became aware that not 8 feet away a human was sitting on a rock looking at him. He turned his mighty head to stare and the man spoke to him. He could understand the words that were softly spoken. The words both calmed him and sent fear to his heart.
The old man said “They are gone Thunderhoof. They have gone the wrong way and will not return. You are now the last of your kind.”
The man got up from the rock, grabbed his wooden staff, pulled his worn gray robe tight around him and stepped closer and looked deep into Thunderhoofs' eyes. “You need to go with me. I have great use for you”
He stepped even closer and rubbed Thunderhoofs’ nose, head and flanks. Thunderhoof felt no fear then. Great warmth and a feeling of peace began to run through him.
The old man smiled warmly and headed back through the snow covered hills. After a last glance for any movement below; Thunderhoof slowly turned and followed behind him.
As they traveled the land seemed to swirl and change. A great feeling of time passing and unknown great events filled him. Moments later they were on a leaf covered path in a bright warm forest as the strange human led him forward to the edge of a great bluff. Inside, Thunderhoof knew that this was the exact spot they had left only a few minutes before. He looked down at the wild and mysterious forest in front of him. He smelled the trees, the wild swamps and forest, the wildlife and heard the forest sounds around him. He knew he was home.
The old man said “I need you to guard and protect the things I have placed here.”
He then ran his fingers in between Thunderhoofs’ gigantic antlers. Knowledge and Understanding of mighty secrets buried in the Earth filled the gigantic deer and the man turned to go. With a wry smile he said “I will visit as often as I can, but you are now the Guardian of the Forest.” He smiled, turned and headed away from him through the woods. Thunderhoof watched as the old man seemed to fade away as he quietly stepped along a path through the woods.
Deer Thanksgiving

Dad is cooking the wild turkey he shot this year and I am sure it will be great.
He is a heck of a cook.
The whole Howell clan will be at camp for Thanksgiving. I am also sure there will be blood.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and hope that you all get a big buck.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thanksgiving Write About The Good Challenge
Kristine at the OBS blog has issued a challenge for us to write about our hunting mentor or the person who was most important in teaching us to love the woods and hunting. I think that most people that write this post will talk about a family member that got them started hunting. I am going to do that also.
Hunting has been a tradition in our family since the beginning and I can still remember my first time at deer camp. The mystery and excitement of camp coupled with thoughts about shooting a giant deer thrilled me.
My father, Hershel Howell, encouraged and helped us more than I can ever repay as we grew from young cubs to men. He even gave each person an Indian name that we keep to this day.
You should have been there for the ceremony the Christmas he was Chief Tallahatchie.
As I grew older it finally came to me the sacrifices he made.
I remember him building deer stands for all of us and making sure we had the best places to hunt. This sometimes involved trekking miles carrying plywood, saws, hammers, etc.
Joining us and being a leader and mentor by example as he taught us how to call in ducks over an icy slough. To read where the deer have moved and what trails they were using. How to hunt squirrels, doves, quail, turkeys, and rabbits.
He also made sure we understood taking care of our game and respect for every animal.
In the forest, he made sure we knew the names of every tree in the woods.
He gave us our first rifles and shotguns and taught us to be safe with them.
I can remember him taking away a little boys gun because he did not obey his rules and later helping him get his limit of doves.
My father has always been there to teach me and his simple rule to remember if we were doing something wrong was “We don’t do that” A simple and powerful phrase to obey the law, respect our game and to practice safety at all times.
He taught us to grabble big catfish, shot bows with us during the summer heat, always has had a dove field ready on opening day, scouted out places for us to deer hunt and let us have the first shot as the mallards cupped their wings.
Growing up, people were excited to talk about the fun times we have had but to me they were a daily part of my life. Now I can see how great a life has been given to me.
He is part of a dwindling breed of outdoorsman that we will not see again. He is one of the finest shots I have ever witnessed and lots of times he used a bow while we rabbit hunted. (Used to drive me crazy)
Over the years he has bought a warehouse of hunting gear for us. Each Christmas was filled with everything a kid could ever use for hunting.
He bloodied all our faces on our first deer, always encouraged my brothers and our friends with help, tidbits and a place to hunt.
His life has been the outdoors and his rich fun stories are what led me to start this blog. I want the stories to last long after he is gone. It has made me a pretty good story teller too.
My father is my mentor, leader and friend.
At camp everyone calls him “Chief” and when you visit please feel at home and call him that too.
Hunting has been a tradition in our family since the beginning and I can still remember my first time at deer camp. The mystery and excitement of camp coupled with thoughts about shooting a giant deer thrilled me.

My father, Hershel Howell, encouraged and helped us more than I can ever repay as we grew from young cubs to men. He even gave each person an Indian name that we keep to this day.
You should have been there for the ceremony the Christmas he was Chief Tallahatchie.
As I grew older it finally came to me the sacrifices he made.
I remember him building deer stands for all of us and making sure we had the best places to hunt. This sometimes involved trekking miles carrying plywood, saws, hammers, etc.
Joining us and being a leader and mentor by example as he taught us how to call in ducks over an icy slough. To read where the deer have moved and what trails they were using. How to hunt squirrels, doves, quail, turkeys, and rabbits.
He also made sure we understood taking care of our game and respect for every animal.
In the forest, he made sure we knew the names of every tree in the woods.
He gave us our first rifles and shotguns and taught us to be safe with them.
I can remember him taking away a little boys gun because he did not obey his rules and later helping him get his limit of doves.
My father has always been there to teach me and his simple rule to remember if we were doing something wrong was “We don’t do that” A simple and powerful phrase to obey the law, respect our game and to practice safety at all times.
He taught us to grabble big catfish, shot bows with us during the summer heat, always has had a dove field ready on opening day, scouted out places for us to deer hunt and let us have the first shot as the mallards cupped their wings.
Growing up, people were excited to talk about the fun times we have had but to me they were a daily part of my life. Now I can see how great a life has been given to me.
He is part of a dwindling breed of outdoorsman that we will not see again. He is one of the finest shots I have ever witnessed and lots of times he used a bow while we rabbit hunted. (Used to drive me crazy)
Over the years he has bought a warehouse of hunting gear for us. Each Christmas was filled with everything a kid could ever use for hunting.
He bloodied all our faces on our first deer, always encouraged my brothers and our friends with help, tidbits and a place to hunt.
His life has been the outdoors and his rich fun stories are what led me to start this blog. I want the stories to last long after he is gone. It has made me a pretty good story teller too.
My father is my mentor, leader and friend.
At camp everyone calls him “Chief” and when you visit please feel at home and call him that too.
Opening Weekend
I think Mark may have raised the bar a little too high.
In fact, Mark had a perfect weekend. Shoot a big buck, come in and get a drink, settle in front of the TV and get to watch the Rebels just beat the living hell out of LSU. Can't get much better than that. If the Rebs win this week, they are off to the Cotton Bowl.
The rest of us hunted hard but no more big bucks were seen.
We are going back tomorrow for Thanksgiving and hopefully I will get a chance then.
In other news, watch your local Outdoor Channel for a new hunting show called "Camo, The Hunting Dog."
Monday, November 24, 2008
Marks' "I-Buck"
This summer I asked Mark to hunt up the lake with me because he is so damn pitiful. I took him up the lake, I fixed his stand for him, I cleared the shooting lanes and I told him exactly where the deer would come from.
Friday, I drove up to the lake, I cleaned out the boat, I put everything we needed in it, I checked the motor and then I drove the Gator back to camp.
Opening morning I carried his dumb a@@ up the lake, I put him on his stand and headed up the ridge to hunt. I had not really settled in my stand before that idiot shot. BOOOMMM!!!!!
Later I went down and saw the massive buck, I helped him drag it out, I loaded it in the boat, I drove back up the lake and then I loaded it in the Gator.
It was a huge 235 lb. 7-point that he blasted at 15 yards.
Why didn't I get that buck?
Here is a pic of Mark and the big buck along with our friends Richard and Rennie Hodge.
Friday, I drove up to the lake, I cleaned out the boat, I put everything we needed in it, I checked the motor and then I drove the Gator back to camp.
Opening morning I carried his dumb a@@ up the lake, I put him on his stand and headed up the ridge to hunt. I had not really settled in my stand before that idiot shot. BOOOMMM!!!!!
Later I went down and saw the massive buck, I helped him drag it out, I loaded it in the boat, I drove back up the lake and then I loaded it in the Gator.
It was a huge 235 lb. 7-point that he blasted at 15 yards.
Why didn't I get that buck?
Here is a pic of Mark and the big buck along with our friends Richard and Rennie Hodge.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Deer Eve

Around town there is a last minute rush to buy ammunition and groceries. Every truck that passes has their rifles and 4-wheeler loaded and ready to go to deer camp. In the distance you can hear a faint repetitive Boom as hunters line their guns up at the last minute.
Like Christmas, the big present comes tomorrow as hunters wait and wish of getting that giant buck that chases through their dreams.
I wish everyone luck tomorrow.
If you get a deer please send a pic and I will post it.
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