Gray Beard, MS> I know all of you are concerned that I did not receive your birthday gifts. You can still mail them to me at P.O. Box 1072 in Water Valley.
I did receive some great gifts and wanted to share them with you. I really, really needed some golf stuff. I got golf balls, tees, a towel, gloves and some more golf balls. I am set for the summer.

Then I also received some extremely nice birthday gifts.
Marian found an original Coke bottle from Vicksburg that she gave me. It is a beauty and says Vicksburg Steam Works across the front. She and Bob were great and I loved having them come over. They are only a couple of hours away. Kind of like
Debbie or

Last, but not least, a lot of people gave me booze of one kind or another. Lots of wine, whiskey, and beer. Seems like they know something that I don't. I have enough booze so that when that crazy
KeesKennis comes to visit, we will party hearty through the delta. My, I look good in my new hat! Click and you will see that there is only one real bourbon around here, that is Ezra Brooks.