Deer Camp Blog- the outdoor column of The Bodock Times- (a satirical periodical)
Humor and Hunting at the famous Christmas Place Plantation Hunting Club on the edge of the Mississippi Delta
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Something Important
Water Valley, MS> Contrary to popular belief there is something interesting going on. This weekend I am reaching the magical age of 50. I have seen and done a lot in that time. Denise is throwing a party for me on Saturday night and I hope my blog friends will maybe leave a comment or two about it.
fifty? Welcome to the AARP trash you will be getting in the mail now..if the sumbitches would offer discounts on ammo and fishing tackle I might get excited about them
But HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend..fifty ain't is just the start of the good years..
GuyK is right's the start of the GOOD years! You are now an official Senior citizen! Yay! Congratulations on your upcoming Big "50" Birthday! Bob and I are wishing you many, many more to come. ;)
I have been there, four years ago, and let me bust a bubble here. There is nothing magical about the number 50. Your doctor will tell you that you’re now “eligible” to get a heart attack, suffer impotence and male pattern baldness. Other than the odd rude punk calling you “old geezer”, 50 is just like 49 or 51. :) Happy Birthday Rex. :) :) :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY REX, hope it's an exciting day for you and filled with lots of sure to get lots of photos cause it only comes once in a lifetime. Just remember too that 50 is the new 40 so you just got younger or so they say anyway. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN AND MANY MORE TO COME I HOPE.MAY YOUR HEALTH HOLD UP ANOTHER 50 YEARS.
Happy Birthday Rex! Please let us know if that damn deer of yours gets out of hand at the party - I hear that he likes to drink a little to much. And if he gets up to roast you, it is your own fault for not putting him on the wall before now...
Happy BDAY, Rex! Hope you have a wonderful day. Dont pay any attention to those senior citizen jokes. Age is only a number. I would not have guessed you were 50 Any party crashers invited to your shindig? Enjoy!
About time you grow up. Stop that silly golf thing and start hitting what you aim at. Very many happy returns, my deer Rex. I can only wish I was that young. Enjoy it with your family and have one on me.
My my 50 years old! Does that mean we can now refer to you as "T"-Rex? I hope your not like my mother who always used to say "If I'd of known i was going to live this long I'd of taken better care of myself!" Hope you had a blessed day.
fifty? Welcome to the AARP trash you will be getting in the mail now..if the sumbitches would offer discounts on ammo and fishing tackle I might get excited about them
But HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend..fifty ain't is just the start of the good years..
GuyK is right's the start of the GOOD years! You are now an official Senior citizen! Yay! Congratulations on your upcoming Big "50" Birthday! Bob and I are wishing you many, many more to come. ;)
My Mark will be 50 on Halloween.
Hope you have a great birthday and fun party!
50? Good lord...and your still walking? hahahaha
Happy Birthday and wishing you all the best in the coming year my friend.
Happy Birthday (even if a bit early) Rex. I hope you have a terrific party and a terrific fiftieth year.
Geez... 50? is that all??
Don't let them fool you...50 is Fabulous! Have a great party when it actually arrives.
Happy B-day. Have a heck of a time at the party on Saturday.
Happy 50th Birthday Rex and I wish you many more B'days and many more deer hunting seasons.
I have been there, four years ago, and let me bust a bubble here. There is nothing magical about the number 50. Your doctor will tell you that you’re now “eligible” to get a heart attack, suffer impotence and male pattern baldness. Other than the odd rude punk calling you “old geezer”, 50 is just like 49 or 51. :) Happy Birthday Rex. :) :) :)
Happy Birthday Rex!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY REX, hope it's an exciting day for you and filled with lots of sure to get lots of photos cause it only comes once in a lifetime. Just remember too that 50 is the new 40 so you just got younger or so they say anyway. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN AND MANY MORE TO COME I HOPE.MAY YOUR HEALTH HOLD UP ANOTHER 50 YEARS.
Happy Birthday Rex! Please let us know if that damn deer of yours gets out of hand at the party - I hear that he likes to drink a little to much.
And if he gets up to roast you, it is your own fault for not putting him on the wall before now...
CONGRATULATIONS to a well lived life!!!!!
Happy BDAY, Rex! Hope you have a wonderful day. Dont pay any attention to those senior citizen jokes. Age is only a number. I would not have guessed you were 50 Any party crashers invited to your shindig? Enjoy!
Rhonda, would love for you to come.
715 Wagner St. at 7PM
You don't look a day over 65!
Been there.....done that.
Congrats on 50.
About time you grow up.
Stop that silly golf thing and start hitting what you aim at.
Very many happy returns, my deer Rex.
I can only wish I was that young.
Enjoy it with your family and have one on me.
My my 50 years old! Does that mean we can now refer to you as "T"-Rex? I hope your not like my mother who always used to say "If I'd of known i was going to live this long I'd of taken better care of myself!" Hope you had a blessed day.
daddy is old daddy is old!!!!!!!!!hahahahaha!!!!
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