Hot Lead, MS> I have never seen anything like it. My brother Paul is a natural born killer. Everytime he strolls into the woods, something is going to get the hell blasted out of it.
Saturday afternoon, Paul and Michael head over to the Double WhiteOak and suddenly walk up in amongst a herd of wild hogs. Paul quickly took advantage of the situation and commenced firing. This is a family blog so I will not go into gory details. But, suffice it to say that there was blood, dead hogs and shell casings scattered everywhere. Paul was temporarily satiated and wandered back to camp to get help getting them out.
The next morning Paul and Michael headed to the Negotiation Field. They had taken a turkey there last year and Paul knew they would be there again. A few quick calls and they were surrounded by turkeys. Michael cut loose. His turkey tumbled and he told Paul that his turkey was down. Paul is not one to waste words when there is killing to be done. He snatched the shotgun from Michael and cut down on the escaping turkeys. He reached down to reload and found they were completely out of shells. He rushed the staggering turkey but it evaded him and headed into the brush. Paul was mortified!
They got this nice 22 lb. gobbler with a 10 inch beard. Congrats Michael!
Our congrats to Paul and Michael...a very rewarding weekend! Good eatin guys!! :)
Sounds like an awesome weekend. I hope my turkey hunting goes that well here in a week or two.
Bully on the boys.
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WOW Sounds Like a freezer filling weekend for sure. I can hardly wait for turkey season to get here
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