I took this nice deer off of a pond stand near Abbeville many moons ago. I had not practiced with my bow that year and was surprised when the deer wandered out 20 yards from my stand. I pulled the string back, aimed carefully behind the shoulder and released. I jerked and the arrow would have missed the deer by at least four feet, but the deer jumped the string and sprang up and forward. The terrible shot hit the deer in the base of the neck, dropping and killing her instantly.
I did not mention this to the rest of the members of the camp.
haha! Your secret is safe with me.
I won't tell anyone you were hunting without practicing. Shame on you.
A little luck definitely goes along way sometimes.
Mr ED, I see you were in your John Lennon look alike phase. Are you a reformed Hippie?
Mr ED, i think I was mistaken about you looking like Lennon. Now I think you look more like Che'
Gotta love the glasses and hat...you looked pretty cool Rex! Great shot by the way! You did better than me....
Well Rex many moons have passed and you've gotten some better at leastyou made an attempt and in came out good. Just remember though that practice makes perfect and then there was hunters like us.
I am beginning to wonder if you guys ever stop hunting? I think I am going to have to move south to get some more hunting in. :)
Sometimes the worst shots turn out to be the best. I had a similar experience once.
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