Tuesday, January 20, 2009

All Quiet On The Deer Front

Golden Silence, MS> All is quiet here on the deer front. the season has wound down and everyone is finally thinking of spring, golf, fishing and hey! even seeing their wives. I received a note from Thunderhoof saying that he has gone to the Presidential Inauguration. I, for one, am tired of seeing that stupid deer every 4 years standing behind the president on TV.
Last weekend was a lot of fun. Here is a pic of the Three Deer Stooges discussing where the bucks hide while we go hunting. Definirely not in the Whitetail Woods where we are. The decision was that they hide under the bridge leading to the fields. (like the troll in the Billy Goat Gruff story).
That Mark has had a great year, plus as a post office employee he received a gold plated UZI machinegun in the bailout.

This is a pic of my deer and dear friends Bob and Marian inspecting the wild hogs we took last weekend. After seeing these, I think both of them would rather blast a big hog than a deer now. We had another great time with them and am looking forward to spring weather to have them over again.


Albert A Rasch said...


Once you get someone up close to a wild boar, they can't wait to collect their own!

Albert A Rasch
The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
Proud Member of Outdoor Bloggers Summit
Southeast Regional OBS Coordinator

drew dunn said...

cheers mate hope all is well with you and yours