Prickly Heat, MS> This weekend a good start was made on getting our fields and stands ready for the coming deer season. Dad started cutting grass in the fields (and everywhere else as part of his beautification program) while Trent took the big tractor and started breaking them up. A recent rain made the ground soft and easy to cut with the Disc. He finished everything (with a little help) except getting across to the Beaverdam area. Should be able to get that next weekend and to actually start the planting of all the fields.
Mark, Drew and I started following the tractor from field to field removing limbs that had fallen into the fields. We also sat in every stand to check and possibly replace the gunrest, find any rotted stands to be repaired and recut any closed shooting lanes. We also had to check the narrow logging roads in case a tree had fallen and we had to cut and clear those areas..
Burney and Austin showed up later and we managed to get a tremendous amount of work done. We even got the Mountain field planted and the new Scenic Field too. We planted those with Clover. Here is a pic of Mark actually doing some work!
Cool. Looks like you are definitely getting ready for the season. I so cannot wait for it to get here!
I have to do some last minute things this week as well to get ready for our youth hunt and bow opener!
In that picture it looks like Mark is getting ready to weed-whack someone on the ass!
Now I understand the bushhogging of all the fields. You were getting ready to disc and plant food plots.
Clearing branches and fallen trees is a lot of work, but that is right up my alley. If I lived closer, I would certainly volunteer for the woods duty.
Andy, maybe one day you will come down and visit. we have black squirrels here.
Just don't drain the lake!
Oh how I used to love the yearly ritual of planting cover crops for the deer. Not able to do it any more. It is the most enjoyable work there is. I sure miss it.
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