I got the 100 foot cord and headed back. I figured I could use the end to flail at the dog and skunk until I could catch the dog and the skunk left. Scout was still barking like hell and skunk perfume wafted around me as I headed into the bushes.
Suddenly the skunk ran out! It ran right at me! I screamed like a girl! I raced down the hill, I untangled the extension cord that had wrapped around me from head to toe! I headed up cursing at both of them and whacking everything. Scout ran around the rear end of the house, the skunk ran around the front of the house. I stood there drowning in skunk smell. I headed to the front of the house dragging the extension cord and using my dim flashlight.
It was quiet around front as I eased up on the porch and checked everywhere for sign of the skunk. No sign. I eased to the end and looked in the big flowerbed full of azaleas and flowers. My light picked up no sign. Suddenly Scout rounded the corner and bounded into the flowerbed. I yelled at the dog, turned back cause I heard a noise, my dim light picked up nothing and then I glanced up. The skunk was on the window ledge not 2 feet from my face! I screamed like a girl! I dropped the light, which started spinning round and round like in a movie, ran, got tangled in the damn extension cord that managed to be wrapped around something else and when the slack ran out, I was laying flat on my back on the ground. That did it. I headed around to the back door to get my shotgun. Scout was standing at the door when I got there. Stupid damn dog! We spent most of the night in the bathtub.
You're two for two on the funny skunk stories. That must have been quite a sight.
Man, I love these skunk stories. Had me laughing out loud again.
P.S. OPEN THE BOX!!! It's killing me. I have to know what is in there!
Were you able to shoot the damn skunk? I hope so....love the part where you screamed like a girl and got all tangled up in the cord. You are hilarious! :)
Rex, you are a storyteller par excellence! I think the OBS needs to crown you Storyteller Laureate.
One of your best efforts so far!
Lesson learned..always get the sotgun first when you go out to see what the dawg is barkin' at..it might be a two toned kitty with a fluid drive and then it might be a two legged skunk
I think I wet my pants on that one from laughing...LOL
So- are you singing falsetto now with all that girl screaming???
I guess lightening does strike the same place twice...
(and I agree with Arthur...open the box!)
Brings back memories of our silly Cocker Spaniel Austi that had never experienced a skunk before...It was the fall after moving here to the timber. Had the skunk trapped under some brush. The dog wouldn't come when she was called.You got the picture. Stinky ever
How long did it take for the smell to leave the house?
a month, Scout and I found ourselves as outcast for a long time.
Woulda thought you'd have learned the first go round not to tangle with a skunk!
I hope you shot that dog. I also hope you get skunked again. Skunks rule and you stink!
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