Mark Stewart, famed Hogologist, scored his 2nd big buck of the year this weekend hunting on the ground up at the 72 acre stand. The 205 lb. 10 point was chasing does in the big field when
Mark blasted him at point blank range. Congrats on a great season!
Deer Camp Blog- the outdoor column of The Bodock Times- (a satirical periodical) Humor and Hunting at the famous Christmas Place Plantation Hunting Club on the edge of the Mississippi Delta
Monday, December 31, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Auld Lang Deer
"Should old Deer Hunts be forgot,
and n'er brought to mind?
Should old Deerhunters be forgot
in days of Auld Lang syne.
For Auld Lang Syne, and deer
for Old Great Times!
We'll have a cup of kindness yet
for hunters of Auld Lang Syne!
and n'er brought to mind?
Should old Deerhunters be forgot
in days of Auld Lang syne.
For Auld Lang Syne, and deer
for Old Great Times!
We'll have a cup of kindness yet
for hunters of Auld Lang Syne!
Monday, December 24, 2012
A Quick Trip
Burney has been AWOL for awhile now, but finally made a quick trip down to the Christmas Place on Thursday afternoon. the wind was right swo he headed up to the 72 acre stand. BLAM! he shot a hog going in. BLAM! he shot a hog under his stand. Hogs were laying all around him so 30minutes later he decided to walk out and a big buck was standing in the edge of the woods looking at him. BLAM! He managed to get 2 hogs, a really nice 8-point and it added up to over 450 lbs of meat on the table. WOW! Congrats, Burney!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Santa's No Deer Camp Christmas Poem
There'll be no
Christmas at Deer Camp this year.
Those fools keep
shooting at my deer!And you would not believe the horrid smell,
those hunters put deer urine on Everywhere!
They all want a change of luck
so they can get that great big buck
And you would not believe the hell
of interrupting a midnight card game there
They all need a change of luck
to get that great big 10 point buck.
Well, Maybe I'll bring just a little luck
so they can finally get that trophy buck.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
A Scorched Hog
To the best of my knowledge this is what happened. There was a terrible storm brewing just before daylight as everyone headed out to their stands. A low rumbling in the sky was growing and Trent decided he would hunt the Point Stand in case the storm hit and he could get back to camp quickly.
At daylight he was safe on his stand as the big clouds rolled above him and then the wind went still.
Everything was deathly quiet and he could hear the quick steps of an animal trotting toward him through the brush. He knew it was a big buck and raised his rifle. A big, black hog came out and crossed in front of him. "Hell with this" he thought and found the hog in his scope.
Everything went white as a huge bolt of lightning cut the sky and hit. He jerked away as he pulled the trigger and the sound of the shot was lost in the loud KA-BOOM of the lightning strike. When he could see again the hog lay dead about 50 yards from him. He jumped out of the metal tripod lightning rod he was sitting in and came back to camp. We got the hog and Trent feels like he hit him solid but all I found was a big scorched mark on his side.
At daylight he was safe on his stand as the big clouds rolled above him and then the wind went still.
Everything was deathly quiet and he could hear the quick steps of an animal trotting toward him through the brush. He knew it was a big buck and raised his rifle. A big, black hog came out and crossed in front of him. "Hell with this" he thought and found the hog in his scope.
Everything went white as a huge bolt of lightning cut the sky and hit. He jerked away as he pulled the trigger and the sound of the shot was lost in the loud KA-BOOM of the lightning strike. When he could see again the hog lay dead about 50 yards from him. He jumped out of the metal tripod lightning rod he was sitting in and came back to camp. We got the hog and Trent feels like he hit him solid but all I found was a big scorched mark on his side.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Antler Bowl Results
Bad weather and rain covered the famous christmas Place and the hordes of spectators there to watch the Antler Bowl. It was a muddy affair with the Bucks outwitting the Marauders as several good bucks escaped and ran up the score. The only saving grace was when Rex Howell, your friendly neighborhood blogger, blasted this nice 10 point on the South Cornfield stand. They shoot 10 points, don't they? Final score 34-10 Bucks win.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Antler Bowl 2012
This weekend the world renowned Antler Bowl will be happening at the famous Christmas Place. The Marauders are very strong this year and have already put a bullet in at least 6 big bucks and have been waiting for the Still-Season and the Antler Bowl to start so they can get a few of those big wall-hanger bucks on the pole.
Coach Thunderhoof of the Bucks says that his team is not a-feared! The big bucks have been laying low and plan to run rampant over the pesky humans this weekend and give them a thrashing they will never forget. They have some huge running razor backs that have transferred over from Bacon Flats to smash the line and create gaps for the big bucks to get to the goal line. Should be a bruiser of a weekend!
Coach Thunderhoof of the Bucks says that his team is not a-feared! The big bucks have been laying low and plan to run rampant over the pesky humans this weekend and give them a thrashing they will never forget. They have some huge running razor backs that have transferred over from Bacon Flats to smash the line and create gaps for the big bucks to get to the goal line. Should be a bruiser of a weekend!
Thursday, December 06, 2012
More Damn Mark Pics!
Mark is about to drive me crazy. Here are some more pics of his damn hog weekend.
Monday, December 03, 2012
Marks Totally Hog Wild Weekend
This started a wild weekend that Mark will talk and talk and talk about forever. Jeez!
The big 8-point weighed 190 lbs. and everyone was fired up for Saturday morning to arrive.
Paul came in with Michael and Tim Crosby that night and later Spencer showed up with two buddies named Joe and Peachy. Let me tell you, those two kids were stone cold killers!
That afternoon Tim got a doe up the creek and Paul shot a nice buck over the mountain. Peachy and Joe brought in another hog. Pauls' buck was another 8-point that weighed 200 lbs. then Sunday morning the action really started!
No one did any good that morning, mainly because of the steady BOOM, BOOM of Marks rifle ringing across the property. Mark took 6 hogs at one time, he ran out of bullets and got the last one with his pistol! The woods over there are still ringed in smoke and the road leading in is now known as the road of death and the stand has been renamed Pork Chop Hill!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Mississippi Boat Ride
I went up the Lake Saturday morning and had a really good hunt. saw several bucks but not the big one I wanted. Came in for lunch and Trent asked if he could go up the Lake with me that afternoon.
We headed up the Lake and I dropped Trent off in a gar hole where he would never kill a deer much less see one. I got on my stand and a couple of hours later heard him shoot. BLAM! The sound reverberated off the water and I hunkered down. Saw wome more deer and a couple of nice bucks and right before dark a big hog came out. I cut down on him. BLAM, BLAM, he was still moving, BLAM! I finally got the hog in the boat after dark, found Trent, got his big buck in the boat along with all our equipment and rifles and headed toward the dock. The little aluminum boat was absolutely full and loaded to the gunwales. The little electric motor could just barely push us and I think all you could see was our noses coming up the lake cause the boat was almost under water.
We finally made it to the dock and Trent turned and said"Now, that's a Mississippi Boat Ride!"
We headed up the Lake and I dropped Trent off in a gar hole where he would never kill a deer much less see one. I got on my stand and a couple of hours later heard him shoot. BLAM! The sound reverberated off the water and I hunkered down. Saw wome more deer and a couple of nice bucks and right before dark a big hog came out. I cut down on him. BLAM, BLAM, he was still moving, BLAM! I finally got the hog in the boat after dark, found Trent, got his big buck in the boat along with all our equipment and rifles and headed toward the dock. The little aluminum boat was absolutely full and loaded to the gunwales. The little electric motor could just barely push us and I think all you could see was our noses coming up the lake cause the boat was almost under water.
We finally made it to the dock and Trent turned and said"Now, that's a Mississippi Boat Ride!"
Trent's big buck was 185 lbs with a 17 inch spread. Really, Really Nice, but the important thing was my giant hog. It was a big Rochester Redback. the most evil hog of all. 160 lbs. of pure murderous hate with 3 inch tusks dripping with blood. I should get a medal! Here's a pic of our successful Thanksgiving weekend hunt.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Opening Day Success
Opening day of the first gun season was the most successful we haqve ever had. My dad fell and hurt himself Friday night and put a damper on things but everyone hunted Saturday while he laid up
Paul took this fantastic 8-point 200 lb., 20 inch spread buck about 7:30AM when it came wandering up to him like they always do.
Paul took this fantastic 8-point 200 lb., 20 inch spread buck about 7:30AM when it came wandering up to him like they always do.
We, of course were all happy and excited for him, as we tried to decide whether to shoot him or knock him in the head with a stick as we listened to him drone on and on about it.
That afternoon I headed up to the South Corn field, Spencer went to Spike Camp and Trent went to Squirrel Road. At 5:30 this super nice 7-point 190 lb., 17.5 inch spread buck came through and BLAM! I got my buck! I heard Spencer shoot and when I got to camp Spencer had taken a really large 140 lb. doe.
So, two nice bucks for opening day, which we have never done before. Paul and Trent also got hogs this weekend to top it off. The only drawback is Dad has a couple of cracked ribs and will be on the sidelines for the unforseeable future.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Deer Eve

In the distance you can hear a few people still shooting as they zero in their rifles, most men have their hunting stuff ready to go and I am heading to camp in about an hour or so. will give a report and hopefully start blogging regularly with the new season starting.
Looks like a low turnout with Paul, Trent, Dad, Spencer,Erin, and myself at camp tonight.
Tomorrow we (I) need to get a big buck on the pole to get everyone fired up again.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Muzzle-Load Success
It was a fun weekend as we got 3 deer and 1 hog this past weekend. Trent brought two guest (Jim and Jack) from Tennessee and Paul brought Lex Luthur (Dave) , Stewart Allen and his son up.
Stewart, Jim and Trent got deer and Trent also got a hog. Deer season opener for bucks is next weekend.
Stewart, Jim and Trent got deer and Trent also got a hog. Deer season opener for bucks is next weekend.
Friday, November 09, 2012
It Starts
Bow season is already open, but the first muzzle load season opens this weekend for does only. Should be an interesting weekend. Paul will be there with his entourage and even
Trent is bringing two guest. I think they are Kentucky moonshiners. My buddy, Mr. Jones cancelled and the great white hunter, Joe Black could not make it. We will see if there are any deer wander around and maybe pop a hog if I get a chance. See you at the hanging pole.
Trent is bringing two guest. I think they are Kentucky moonshiners. My buddy, Mr. Jones cancelled and the great white hunter, Joe Black could not make it. We will see if there are any deer wander around and maybe pop a hog if I get a chance. See you at the hanging pole.
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Vote Thunderhoof!
All of you need to remember to go and vote for Thunderhoof for President today. I can assure you that he could clean out the whole Congress and all those lobbyists in about 15 minutes with his giant antlers. VOTE TODAY!
Monday, November 05, 2012
Sure Shot
The only Lammey that is a real deer hunter. Dean got this nice 135lb. doe Saturday afternoon with a perfect shot.
Friday, November 02, 2012
The SS Whitetail
This weekend Camo and I are headed for camp to get some things done. Erin is coming up with Paul to help, so it should be a fun weekend. The main thing I have to do is go up the lake to check and do repairs on my stand. I hope to launch the SS Whitetail with my first mate, Camo, and my navigator, Erin, Saturday morning and sail South through the hordes of angry fish, eagles, and assorted Lake Monsters to reach my hidden stand. Should be interesting.
Thursday, November 01, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Giant Tree Skywalk
Denise, Camo and I made the tree up north of Belzoni to Sky Lake and the skywalk there. It goes out into the middle of a gigantic swamp and circles up against the biggest cypress rees you could imagine. Several of the trees are over 1000 years old. you need to see it to believe it.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
People say that our little area of the Delta is the most
haunted area in the state Of Mississippi. I can only say that I have seen many
things that most people would not believe. Some people would laugh and say I
drink to much, am too full of tall-tales, or I am just a damn liar. They have
never faced the darkness that seems to gather at the famous Christmas Place
Many restless spirits roam here. The beautiful and
frightening Pond Stand Ghost, a column of Confederate soldiers marching to
nowhere, a ghost train that cuts through the night on Halloween, and many
others that shed their blood on this ground. One of the scariest and least seen
is the ghost we call “The Whisperer”.

The first time I encountered this ghost I was walking out on
a starlit night after an evening hunt. The moon had just started to rise as I
walked along holding my flashlight down in front of me. A whispered voice in my
ear said “Hurry”
I stopped thinking it was my imagination. Looked all around
as the chills ran up and down my spine and took off walking again. “Hurry, we
need to hurry” the voice whispered. I stopped and shined my light all around
looking for a source of the low whispering voice. I was scared now and pulled
my rifle down to the crook of my arm.
I stepped forward, moving even quicker than before and had
not gone ten steps when I heard the voice whisper again. “ Hurry, they’re
coming” I didn’t break stride but kept marching. As I hurried through the
darkness the voice settled on my ear, crying miserably and begging me to hurry.
I was so scared that I did not look back but I could feel the spirit walking
beside me, leaning into my ear and in terrible fear and agony whispering for me
to hurry, hurry before they caught us.
I don’t think there is any harm in this poor spirit and I
would like to know his story. I have tried talking to him over the years but it
does no good. We have all heard his desperate pleadings over the years and are
used to it now, but occasionally we let someone hunt there and wait to see if
the ghost will scare the crap out of them.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Squirrel Camp 2012
The weather was pleasant, the temperature perfect and the squirrels were everywhere. A great squirrel camp was enjoyed by all. The squirrel and dumplings was great too, and everyone had a wonderful time.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Tree Rat Eradicaton Weekend

Plus they taste great with dumplings! See you there!
Tuesday, October 09, 2012
Council Fire
Monday, October 08, 2012
Archery Opener 10 Point
You know some people have nothing to do in this world but amble around with enormous amounts of free time on their hands. Case in point. Burney. He shot this wonderful 10 point Saturday afternoon and I guess the rest of deer season is wide open for him. Congratulations on the first buck of the year, SOB.
Thursday, October 04, 2012
Deer Hate Computers

I came in on Monday, turned on my computer and nothing happened. The damn thing was dead as a door nail. I have been working to get some way to work on appraisals all week and it has been a nightmare. I checked the front and mysterious hoof prints on the box let me know that some horrible deer has sabotaged my computer. What twisted mind and what unknown reason eludes me. All I know is I have had every lender in the country scream at me this week and nothing I can do. Those damn deer will pay for this insult!
Friday, September 28, 2012
Back Into The Fray

Denise has gone out to California to visit her people so Camo and I will be heading down to get some work done. So, I am heading back into the fray to finish up before it is time to get serious about finding a big deer to hunt. Think I might take a rifle, I have a hankering for some killing, and maybe a wild hog will wander by me.
Friday, September 21, 2012
A Change In The Weather

Dad and my no good brothers have been seeing several respectable bucks so the hope is rising that some super bucks are just waiting to wander into my crosshairs come deer season.
Will let you know the situation as soon as possible.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Saturday Night Steak

Monday, September 10, 2012
Friday, September 07, 2012
The Big Game
Tonight the Gulfport Admirals will travel to Batesville to play the South Panola Tigers. Michael Howell who is #65 will be playing for Gulfport and he is fired up and ready to play. This may determine who emerges as the number one team in the state. Oh yeah, this is Sir Evil's son. (of course I mean Paul).
Paul says "Michael is great, blah, blah, blah... but when I played football blah, blah, blah" You get the picture. Tonight should be a great game and we are all pulling for Michael to do well and hope that Paul loses his voice before halftime. Mikey will be playing an offensive guard so make sure to go to the game and watch him. Good Luck, Michael.
Paul says "Michael is great, blah, blah, blah... but when I played football blah, blah, blah" You get the picture. Tonight should be a great game and we are all pulling for Michael to do well and hope that Paul loses his voice before halftime. Mikey will be playing an offensive guard so make sure to go to the game and watch him. Good Luck, Michael.
Monday, September 03, 2012
Monday Deer Report
Only two camp members joined dad at the famous Christmas Place this past weekend. Burney and Trent.
Here is their report on deer activity.
Burney: "I saw deer everywhere I went, I saw 7 or 8 shooters, I don't know how many bucks, more does than I can count, sign everywhere, I even saw a couple of wild hogs. Things look great!"
Trent: "I didn't see anything."
Jeez, Here we go again.
In other news, the Rebels finally won a football game!
Here is their report on deer activity.
Burney: "I saw deer everywhere I went, I saw 7 or 8 shooters, I don't know how many bucks, more does than I can count, sign everywhere, I even saw a couple of wild hogs. Things look great!"
Trent: "I didn't see anything."
Jeez, Here we go again.
In other news, the Rebels finally won a football game!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Rebels? Bears? Football!
This is game week around the country as football officially starts on Thursday. The Rebels of Ole Miss will play Saturday night. This is Sarah's first game as a freshman and she is really looking forward to the excitement of going to the game. Hope we win. Here is a picture of Sarah and her roommate in the Grove with our new (strange) mascot, a bear. Jeez.
In other news, I think this damn Presidential election is going to kill me.
In other news, I think this damn Presidential election is going to kill me.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Camp Inept
It had to be the worst work camp at the famous Christmas Place that I have ever seen. Just so you know my evil brother organized it. (no, Paul). Of course, he called Friday and said that he was not going to show up until Saturday afternoon and he was only bringing Terry, instead of the 5 guys he promised. Saturday morning Burney and I started on the wood. Most was cut and ready to be split and we worked until noon and the damn wood splitter just blew up. No warning, no nothing. POW! It threw a rod and that was that. We messed with it a few minutes and looked up as Trent came down the road on the tractor. he was through for the day. Said he had to go to a party. We ate lunch, Trent was gone. Paul and Terry showed up then, loaded up his raggedey 4-wheelers and they took off for Yazoo City. they were gone.
I got on the tractor, cranked it, looked up and Burney was gone. Headed to Jackson. I am the only one working. Pretty screwed up weekend.
I got on the tractor, cranked it, looked up and Burney was gone. Headed to Jackson. I am the only one working. Pretty screwed up weekend.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Riding The Rails With Camo
If you have an idea of how to use these, please write me. The locomotives are destined for the scrap yard if I can't figure a way to use them.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
The Hog Meister

Last weekend between storms, Trent headed out to the point and made a long shot to knock this nasty varmint down. Who wants porkchops?
Friday, August 17, 2012
Hauling Harrows
I loaded the damn thing with a little help from Sarah who thinks she is a supervisor too. Got it in the truck and made the remark "We getting the mule too?" they all looked at me and I realized I Was The Mule.!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Moving Day
I know all of you think that all I do all day is sit in my office playing cards on the computer but this year I have been busy as a cat covering up something. Very rarely am I home before 6 o'clock at the earliest and I still can't get everything done. On top of this, yesterday was moving day as my daughter Sarah joined the big leagues as a freshman at Ole Miss.
5 flights of stairs carrying boxes that I think were filled with shoes? Up, Down, Up, Down to get stuff in a room you can't swing a cat in. Sarah has a roommate from Texas named Christina Bass. Two girls with enough stuff to fill a department store as her roommate made sure she brought everything she had ever bought in Texas. Up, down, Up, down. 'Nuff said.
5 flights of stairs carrying boxes that I think were filled with shoes? Up, Down, Up, Down to get stuff in a room you can't swing a cat in. Sarah has a roommate from Texas named Christina Bass. Two girls with enough stuff to fill a department store as her roommate made sure she brought everything she had ever bought in Texas. Up, down, Up, down. 'Nuff said.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Creepy Business
Things are about to heat up as hunting season rushes at us full speed. Will try to keep you updated on big bucks, our planting schedule and the bizarre actions of my brothers as we get closer to opening day. Another thing that is rushing toward us is Halloween. I know you don't worry about that but one of the fun things I like to do is relate TRUE tales of terror from the Christmas Place. People don't realize that the Mississippi Delta is a strange and mysterious place with more hobgoblins than you can shake a stick at, so if you know of any strange tales or supernatural happenings here please write me.
Will also give an update on that worthless, no good, infuriating flea bag of a deer, Thunderhoof, as soon as I can.
Will also give an update on that worthless, no good, infuriating flea bag of a deer, Thunderhoof, as soon as I can.
Thursday, August 09, 2012
Shark Week
It was shark week when Denise and I headed down to the coast to visit Margaritaville.
As you can see, it was very dangerous so we had to be prepared. Lots of sharks,crooked gamblers, lawyers, and lots of tattooed women. I just can't get Denise to get a tattoo
I made sure that Denise was protected from the sharks (land sharks, too) /This was not reall Denise's cup of tea that she wanted to do for her birthday but it was fun and she was a trooper about it. She even dropped a little money in the slots to see if we could win a million or two but no luck. The best part of the trip for both of us was lying around by the pool at the Beau Rivage doing nothing.
Denise just hit 39!
We enjoyed the atmosphere, walked out and enjoyed the Margaritaville bar outside with a band area, sand and a tiki bar.Jimmy Buffetts place is more of a local hangout and a place to grab a beer after a day of golf, I'll have to go back sometime.
Here is a pic of me with a a long-legged woman that got my attention. She was a good sport and I believe that this girl has the longest legs in the world
Monday, August 06, 2012
Watermelon Carnival 2012
The Watermelon Carnival 2012 was really good. It was low-key but very nice. I did not take many pictures but the truth is that I made the number one mistake of forgetting my camera. The weather was hot but not blistering like in former years and it was a very fun event. The largest melon was at 156 lbs this year and there were several well over 100 lbs. Here is a pic of one of the biggest.
My cousin, Burney, came down to try his hand at selling watermelons and he and his friend, Peyton ,had a good time. They had a lot of yellow-meat melons and sold quite a few.
My cousin, Burney, came down to try his hand at selling watermelons and he and his friend, Peyton ,had a good time. They had a lot of yellow-meat melons and sold quite a few.
Friday, August 03, 2012
Looking Out My Front Door
This is a pic looking out the front door of my office. As you can see, Dad is watching and supervising the vendors as they set up this morning from the comfort of our front office porch. Later the park will be filled with people, we may actually have a parking jam around the square and everyone will start making the trek down to get involved with the Carnival.
Thursday, August 02, 2012
Carnival Time!
My friend Sandy talked me into ordering a couple hundred tubes of Watermelon Lip Balm that I will be giving away so come by to pick yours up.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Down To The Wire
I have avoided camp this summer like the plague. I have been so busy that my heart has just not been in it but we are getting down to the wire now and there is a lot to be done. First, I have to get through this weekend for Denise's Birthday and then the Watermelon Carnival the next weekend. Then I am through and ready to start. So get ready as I turn my thought to the coming deer season and all the problems, perils and craziness that follows the Christmas Place Hunting Club. I am sure it will be interesting for you again.
I also received a secret package from Phillip at the Hog Blog that I will be writing about soon.
I also received a secret package from Phillip at the Hog Blog that I will be writing about soon.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Bridge On The River Hershel
It was at least 100 degrees in the shade on that August morning and my Dad was in his element. He had about 15 men standing around him in the backyard of the camp ready to work and he is not a man to let opportunities like that pass him by. We headed up toward the lake and stopped at the wooden bridge where he divided us into teams to work. He sent Trent and a few others to bush-hog and clear roads in one area, another group to do the same across the BeaverDam and the rest he said would repair the bridge. He reached in the back of his truck and pulled out 2 picks, 2 shovels, and a sledge hammer. I thought I was a dead man. The object was to remove the layer of packed gravel from the top of the bridge, remove the cross-ties, replace them and put the gravel back on. Greg Jones swung the pickax and struck the ground. Sparks came up and he did not even leave a dent. The ground was harder than concrete. Dad said "Get to work, I'll be back at Noon" . He turned to me and said " I need you to go get the seed and start taking it up so we can plant this afternoon. I felt like I had just escaped the Hangman's Noose, jumped on a 4-wheeler and disappeared. A little after Noon we showed up at the bridge, Jones and the rest of the group were covered in sweat and so tired they could hardly move. We went to camp for lunch and Jones feel asleep on the couch and would not wake up when we headed back out. I thought he was dead and the rest of the group was walking wounded. After lunch we all staggered back to the worksite and the whistling song from the Bridge on the River Kwai became our marching song. It took a couple more weekends and I did have to swing the pick but that day was the hottest most miserable work detail I have ever seen at the famous Christmas Place and is still used to threaten the kids with when they get out of line. Dad just informed me that all these years later, the bridge is now needing repair. OMG!
Monday, July 16, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Rain, Rain, Go Away
Little Rexy wants to play. GOLF!
We have been in a drought here for so long and the temperature has been 100 or better for a month. Now it has started to rain and it seems to rain every day now and just when I finally figured out my golf swing.
I just need a little time to play.
We have been in a drought here for so long and the temperature has been 100 or better for a month. Now it has started to rain and it seems to rain every day now and just when I finally figured out my golf swing.
I just need a little time to play.
Monday, July 09, 2012
The Howell Open
For at least 20 years the members of the Howell family and friends have played golf on the morning of July 4th. It is usually a scramble so that everyone can have a good time. This year was no different as Dad, Trent, Mike Edwards and myself beat the hooey out of Bebo, Larry Trent, Kent, Betty Bullion, and Greg Jones.
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