From all the Members at the famous Christmas Place Hunting Club, we want to wish you and yours a happy and merry Christmas this year and (of course) a big buck for the New Year.
Deer Camp Blog- the outdoor column of The Bodock Times- (a satirical periodical) Humor and Hunting at the famous Christmas Place Plantation Hunting Club on the edge of the Mississippi Delta
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Monday, December 21, 2015
A Perfect Still Hunt Weekend
Success, success, success. The members at the famous Christmas Place enjoyed a perfect weekend at camp with the rut in full swing. Of six hunters, 5 got their buck. You had to hide behind a tree to load your gun because of all the bucks running amok. two 12 points (Burney and Michael), a nine point (Paul) and 2 eights (Rex and Mark). Of course I had the largest deer at over 200 pounds, but the rest of the smaller deer were nice too :)
Friday, December 18, 2015
This is It!

Everyone of the sorry members of the famous Christmas Place have snuck off from their jobs and are heading to camp as I type.
This will be the last hunt of the year for most of us as Christmas and New Years in New Orleans is rushing at us. Hey! It's not my fault Christmas is during the rut.
They are all calling me and giving me hell and I am sitting here worrying about all the work I have to do. I wonder if my sorry boss would notice if I snuck off too.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Continuing Education (Not Deer Hunting)
So, I have put off and put off my continuing education for renewal of my real estate and appraiser licenses till the very last minute (again). I swear I try to plan to get this done over the summer but it never fails that it takes up to the last day to get this done. My Evil brothers think I need a little Deer Hunting Continuing Ed too. Especially after last weekend when I was surrounded by 8-point bucks and did not shoot. Maybe I am getting too soft. All I want for Christmas is a 10-point buck!
Wednesday, December 09, 2015
Official Sugar Bowl Press
I received my press pass from the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans, and Denise and I, Camo and Thunderhoof are gearing up to go. Do you know how much room Camo and a 900 lb. deer take up in an SUV? Anyway we will be live blogging the Sugar Bowl as the Ole Miss Rebels take on the Oklahoma State Cowboys on New Year's Night. Thunderhoof has been invited to dance with the LandSharks at halftime. Please donate for our bail bond.
Monday, December 07, 2015
Breaking Satan's Hold
"Hey, Paul. What do you think about me hunting Squirrel Road?" Mark was looking at his wind direction map. Paul said "No, that's not a good spot, wind's wrong"
Mark gave him the eye and said "My book says it is perfect for a East wind."
Paul said "No, no one has ever done any good there."
Mark ????????????
Paul ?????????????
Mark came back from there Saturday morning with this super nice 190 lb. 10 point.
Paul ?????????????
Here's a pic of Mark and his son, John with the big buck.
Mark gave him the eye and said "My book says it is perfect for a East wind."
Paul said "No, no one has ever done any good there."
Mark ????????????
Paul ?????????????
Mark came back from there Saturday morning with this super nice 190 lb. 10 point.
Paul ?????????????
Here's a pic of Mark and his son, John with the big buck.
Wednesday, December 02, 2015
Deerses Are Sweet, But So Is Sugar
No deer for Thanksgiving. We have not had this bad a record since Moses hunted here. Speaking of which, this deer camp has only done one thing all year and that is follow those Ole Miss Rebels day and night. So less deer, more football. Sometimes you just have to sacrifice.
Now things are really heating up as it looks like the Rebels have a real chance to be in the Sugar Bowl this New Years Day and if we go, the whole damn camp will be there, so no deer for New Years either. What is the world coming to.
Ole Miss has not been to the Sugar Bowl since 1970. (Yes that is the same age as Trent's flip phone.)
Look out New Orleans, the Christmas Place fanatics are coming!
Now things are really heating up as it looks like the Rebels have a real chance to be in the Sugar Bowl this New Years Day and if we go, the whole damn camp will be there, so no deer for New Years either. What is the world coming to.
Ole Miss has not been to the Sugar Bowl since 1970. (Yes that is the same age as Trent's flip phone.)
Look out New Orleans, the Christmas Place fanatics are coming!
Friday, November 20, 2015
Deer Eve
Last week was the big Doe hunt and the camp got 11 deer. We hope to get a few more as the season goes on, but right now it is finally Deer Eve and the buck season starts tomorrow.
I can hear roars of gunfire in the distance as people sight in their rifles and every kind of 4-wheel drive truck you can imagine is prowling the streets of Water Valley with a 4-wheeler in the back.
It will be hard for the hunters to sleep tonight with thoughts of big bucks running through their heads but it is finally that time of year again and I wish the best and biggest bucks for all of you.
I can hear roars of gunfire in the distance as people sight in their rifles and every kind of 4-wheel drive truck you can imagine is prowling the streets of Water Valley with a 4-wheeler in the back.
It will be hard for the hunters to sleep tonight with thoughts of big bucks running through their heads but it is finally that time of year again and I wish the best and biggest bucks for all of you.
Friday, November 13, 2015
The Doe Hunt

This weekend we have guest coming to try and take out our allotted does so that we do not have to worry about it during the rut when we are concentrating on getting a big buck.
Of course, knowing the caliber of guests we have, I'm not sure that we will make much of a dent in the doe population ( most of them are from the Gulf Coast).
It should be a fun camp with lots of action. Will let you know how it goes.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
It's all About Stand Placement
Paul's Stand
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Rex's Stand
Saturday, October 31, 2015
GraveYard Hoedown

of the Oxford Cemetery just after dark
on our way to a Halloween party. As we passed it, we saw many people
walking toward the center of the graveyard. An elegantly dressed man
was leaning on a headstone and waved at us to stop and I felt
compelled to pull over. I rolled the window down and he said “You're
just in time to join the party. Come on!” Without thinking we all
got out of the car and started across the cemetery with our new
friend. He was 60ish with gray hair, a mustache and carrying a pipe
in his hand. He looked vaguely familiar but I could not place him.
Less than 50 yards away, in a small
fold of land, 8 or 10 men were gathered around a big headstone they
were using as a bar and we bellied up to it as they served us a stiff
drink. After a few minutes I looked down and read the name on the
grave,it said William Faulkner.
A nice fire was burning in front of the
grave and many people were already gathered around drinking and
talking as a skeletal

We danced, we drank, we partied, I
think we howled at the moon and then things started to blur.
All I know is that later, we woke in
the car and everyone was gone. The cemetery was dark and there was no
sign of our friend, Mr. Faulkner. No one spoke as I cranked the car
and started off.
Not far down the road, we passed a
young couple walking along the edge of the cemetery with their arms
around each other. The man casually waved. It took a minute for it to
register on us and for me to slam on the brakes. We all turned around to
look again, but they were gone. We had seen many, many pictures of
the young couple before. It was my Mom and Dad.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Old Solomon is the biggest, fiercest, wildest, and most cunning wild hog you will ever see and all the members at the famous Christmas Place are deathly afraid of him ( and they're not scared of much)
He roams our property in the Delta and he has been trapped, speared, poisoned, electrocuted and shot about 100 times but he is still out there watching and lurking in the forest. All of our guest are warned what to do if they see him (which is run) but luckily for us he seems to disappear as the first volley of gunfire starts in the fall each year.
This hog is more than big, he is gigantic. At the top of his sharp razorback he is almost 6 feet high and 10 to 12 feet long. His big head looks like the front end of a Buick, his tusk are at least a foot long and I believe he would weigh 800 pounds. Not 800 pounds like you see in the magazines where someone shoots a big pig wandering through the woods with a pistol or whacks him with a rock. This hog is a lean and deadly killer.. A true predator to anything that gets in his way, and I know from first hand experience.
It was early squirrel season when I saw him. I was walking the old road at what is called the Crossover area when I heard a crash and saw him barreling through the woods at me at 50 yards.
I did not hesitate, I took off like a scalded dog and made it to the first tree with limbs. It was a small sweet gum but sprang up into it as fast as lightning, the shotgun went one way but I scampered up the tree like a squirrel just as Old Solomon hit my boot and shook the whole tree. To the top I went until I could go no higher and the tree threatened to start leaning over. Unfortunately my feet were barely 10 feet off the ground and the mad giant circled around growling and ripping up the ground.
I was treed and then everything got slow as he stopped and looked at me, just studying me. I looked at my foot, the whole sole of my boot was sheared off, as if by a razor. Just then Solomon turned, rushed the tree and slammed into it, almost knocking me out. I felt the tree give and readjusted. I had to do something quick. I reached in my pocket. Shotgun shells- I threw them at him, he just kept staring up at me, Compass- I know where I am (deep s##t), Map- no, Knife- yeah, right, Water bottle- he doesn't look thirsty, Snickers Bar- I don't think so, Flashlight- Oh Crap! Old Solomon made another rush and slammed into the sapling again. I held on for dear life but the tree was leaning now.
I reached in my pocket and grabbed the first thing my hand landed on, the Candy Bar. I opened it, and threw it down in front of the huge snout of the creature. He didn't move, we stared at each other. A second later his big head went down, he grabbed the candy bar, looked at me, then trotted off into the woods. I stayed there another hour, found my shotgun, then slunk back to my 4-wheeler and camp.
The moral is, if you run across him, a Candy Bar could save your life.
He roams our property in the Delta and he has been trapped, speared, poisoned, electrocuted and shot about 100 times but he is still out there watching and lurking in the forest. All of our guest are warned what to do if they see him (which is run) but luckily for us he seems to disappear as the first volley of gunfire starts in the fall each year.
This hog is more than big, he is gigantic. At the top of his sharp razorback he is almost 6 feet high and 10 to 12 feet long. His big head looks like the front end of a Buick, his tusk are at least a foot long and I believe he would weigh 800 pounds. Not 800 pounds like you see in the magazines where someone shoots a big pig wandering through the woods with a pistol or whacks him with a rock. This hog is a lean and deadly killer.. A true predator to anything that gets in his way, and I know from first hand experience.

I did not hesitate, I took off like a scalded dog and made it to the first tree with limbs. It was a small sweet gum but sprang up into it as fast as lightning, the shotgun went one way but I scampered up the tree like a squirrel just as Old Solomon hit my boot and shook the whole tree. To the top I went until I could go no higher and the tree threatened to start leaning over. Unfortunately my feet were barely 10 feet off the ground and the mad giant circled around growling and ripping up the ground.
I was treed and then everything got slow as he stopped and looked at me, just studying me. I looked at my foot, the whole sole of my boot was sheared off, as if by a razor. Just then Solomon turned, rushed the tree and slammed into it, almost knocking me out. I felt the tree give and readjusted. I had to do something quick. I reached in my pocket. Shotgun shells- I threw them at him, he just kept staring up at me, Compass- I know where I am (deep s##t), Map- no, Knife- yeah, right, Water bottle- he doesn't look thirsty, Snickers Bar- I don't think so, Flashlight- Oh Crap! Old Solomon made another rush and slammed into the sapling again. I held on for dear life but the tree was leaning now.
I reached in my pocket and grabbed the first thing my hand landed on, the Candy Bar. I opened it, and threw it down in front of the huge snout of the creature. He didn't move, we stared at each other. A second later his big head went down, he grabbed the candy bar, looked at me, then trotted off into the woods. I stayed there another hour, found my shotgun, then slunk back to my 4-wheeler and camp.
The moral is, if you run across him, a Candy Bar could save your life.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Hog and Dumplings
The ground here is extremely dry, in fact the whole state of Mississippi is under a burn ban, and there just aren't many squirrels this year. We had a great camp but for a while it looked like it was going to be hog and dumplings for dinner instead of squirrel and dumplings. Tim Crosby killed a nice hog Saturday morning when it wandered by him and he was able to slip some buckshot in his shotgun.
We ended up having just enough squirrels to make the stew.
It was good to see everyone there and excited about hunting. It is also bow season here and Crosby got a couple deer too. Terry Cutrair got a deer too and as usual our so-called best bow hunter Burney got zilch. Joe Newman handled the organization of the hunt and did a fantastic job. Thank You.
I said I would mention Stewart Allen in my article. Hi Stewart!
We had another great weekend at the famous Christmas Place and looking forward to more as the main deer season rolls towards us.
We ended up having just enough squirrels to make the stew.
It was good to see everyone there and excited about hunting. It is also bow season here and Crosby got a couple deer too. Terry Cutrair got a deer too and as usual our so-called best bow hunter Burney got zilch. Joe Newman handled the organization of the hunt and did a fantastic job. Thank You.
I said I would mention Stewart Allen in my article. Hi Stewart!
We had another great weekend at the famous Christmas Place and looking forward to more as the main deer season rolls towards us.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Monday, September 21, 2015
Thoughts on Ole Miss vs Alabama
1. if possible do not drive on the expressway in Alabama for a couple of days. There are so many people jumping off the overpasses that traffic is backed up for 100 miles.
2. The forgotten thing in this is that the toughest place in the world to play football is Bryant-Denny Stadium and when you walk in you are automatically down at least 17 points.
3. Boo-Hoo all I've heard is how much luck we needed to win. When Alabama has luck it is just expected. I've seen it for 40 years.
4. Alabama didn't get the calls. TFB. The first time in history.
5. The craziest play in college football? Usually that involves Alabama running for a touchdown, not the other way around.
6. All I've heard is Alabama had 503 yards and lost. No one has mentioned that Ole Miss has 430.
7. Hugh Freeze is the real deal
8. How'd that feel? 43-37
9. I do feel kind of sorry for the next team Alabama plays. They've been practicing since midnight Saturday.
10. Yes our girls are prettier than yours too.
Do you Remember this wonderful Ballad
The Night They Burned Tuscaloosa Down
(and all the Rebels were singing)
2. The forgotten thing in this is that the toughest place in the world to play football is Bryant-Denny Stadium and when you walk in you are automatically down at least 17 points.
3. Boo-Hoo all I've heard is how much luck we needed to win. When Alabama has luck it is just expected. I've seen it for 40 years.
4. Alabama didn't get the calls. TFB. The first time in history.
5. The craziest play in college football? Usually that involves Alabama running for a touchdown, not the other way around.
6. All I've heard is Alabama had 503 yards and lost. No one has mentioned that Ole Miss has 430.
7. Hugh Freeze is the real deal
8. How'd that feel? 43-37
9. I do feel kind of sorry for the next team Alabama plays. They've been practicing since midnight Saturday.
10. Yes our girls are prettier than yours too.
Do you Remember this wonderful Ballad
The Night They Burned Tuscaloosa Down
(and all the Rebels were singing)
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Moonshine and Sorghum
In the back hills of Arkansas it is not hard to be a moonshiner, but to reach the point where you become respectable and can be called a Whiskey Distiller takes some work. My brother, James, is hard at it and is starting with Sorghum, Molasses, Honey and anything else he can think of to work out a living plus give him the secret ingredients to make a wonderful, full flavored bourbon whiskey.
Keep an eye on him as he makes the leap, but damn his sorghum is good!
Keep an eye on him as he makes the leap, but damn his sorghum is good!
Monday, August 24, 2015
Fear The Walking Deer

Wood has to be cut, trails cleared, fields cleared of debris, and bodies buried.
All members are requested to show up this weekend.
Friday, August 07, 2015
The Ghostly Reunion of the Class of 1975
Back when Dinosaurs roamed, my brother Satan, aka Paul graduated from Water Valley High School in the Class of 1975. Since he just bought the completely restored WV hospital as his home and it is the most haunted house in Mississippi, it was natural to make that the location of his 40th High School Reunion.
The reunion was set outside with a great band, festive lights and decorated tables plus all the food and drink you could ever want. The night was mild and everyone was in a great mood. The music started at 7PM and all his old pals were there.
Jim Hedges, Mark Larson, Al Reed, Spud Boydston, Steve Hill, Keith Marchbanks, Duck Holloway, Ronnie Snider and many more. It was great to see what good men they all had turned out to be.
The ladies were there too, and as beautiful as they were in High School. Nita Thompson, Beth McMillan, Malinda Hill, Dreeva Dickey, Rhonda Moore, Paula Hill, Vivian Snider and lots of others.
The old saying is that the whiskey flowed like water and it did. Did I mention that the band was great? Everyone danced and either made friendships or renewed them.
Upstairs in the attic weird lights moved with the music and we knew the ghosts were having a great time too! They hadn't had so much fun since the end of Prohibition!
Denise and I danced the night away and her daughter Sadie was the hit of the party dancing with everyone. God help us, but I saw Paul dancing with Wanda too. My brother Beelzebub, James, was there too. He circled the field and was a great guest talking and dancing and greeting the 1975 classmates like old friends.
The truth is this, it was one of the best parties I have been to in Water Valley, MS and if you missed it, then the fault is on you.
Paul is now thinking about a yearly reunion party at his house. I'm in.
I have pics, not great, but if you have better, send them and I will post.
Denise and James?
Sadie looking great!
even Brock had to Rock!
The reunion was set outside with a great band, festive lights and decorated tables plus all the food and drink you could ever want. The night was mild and everyone was in a great mood. The music started at 7PM and all his old pals were there.
Jim Hedges, Mark Larson, Al Reed, Spud Boydston, Steve Hill, Keith Marchbanks, Duck Holloway, Ronnie Snider and many more. It was great to see what good men they all had turned out to be.
The ladies were there too, and as beautiful as they were in High School. Nita Thompson, Beth McMillan, Malinda Hill, Dreeva Dickey, Rhonda Moore, Paula Hill, Vivian Snider and lots of others.
The old saying is that the whiskey flowed like water and it did. Did I mention that the band was great? Everyone danced and either made friendships or renewed them.
Upstairs in the attic weird lights moved with the music and we knew the ghosts were having a great time too! They hadn't had so much fun since the end of Prohibition!
Denise and I danced the night away and her daughter Sadie was the hit of the party dancing with everyone. God help us, but I saw Paul dancing with Wanda too. My brother Beelzebub, James, was there too. He circled the field and was a great guest talking and dancing and greeting the 1975 classmates like old friends.
The truth is this, it was one of the best parties I have been to in Water Valley, MS and if you missed it, then the fault is on you.
Paul is now thinking about a yearly reunion party at his house. I'm in.
I have pics, not great, but if you have better, send them and I will post.
Denise and James?
Sadie looking great!
even Brock had to Rock!
Tuesday, August 04, 2015
A Rowdy And Rousing Carnival 2015- Saturday

The Carnival morning started in Grand style as "Barn Storming Billy Wenchell" circled the park in his WWI biplane and attempted to dive into a pickle barrel from 1500 ft. He din't make it and they hauled his drunk self to the curb for the ambulance to get him. Then Phil and his Prancing Pachyderms showed up to prance and preen for the public. 12 large elephants covered with oriental blankets and gold headdresses that stood on their back feet and did great tricks until my brother, James, offered one a little slice of watermelon. He ate it, gave a loud trumpet and headed for the largest trailer of watermelons belonging to the Pullen boys, with 11 other elephants right behind! They threw melons, they bashed them on trees, the sidewalks, on people. They threw them at each other's head and licked the juice off. It was pandemonium as the elephants demolished the melons and the Pullen boys scattered. In 15 minutes the Watermelon Carnival Committee purchased 143 watermelons and 1 used 1983 Chevy pickup. That was plenty of action for the morning.
Denise and Sadie showed up later and we strolled the park and did a few things, like rock climb, bought a few things, checked out the 138 lb melon that won the Grand Prize but I was worn out and wanted to rest before the BIG PARTY that night.
Monday, August 03, 2015
A Rowdy and Rousing Carnival 2015 -Friday Night
Friday was setup day and the park was busy as vendors set up their wares. Tourists and gawkers wandered the park looking for early deals and kids headed for the center of the park to congregate and hang out. We set chairs on the porch, stocked up on refreshments, and put the Tiki-lamps out to await the coming night and for the band and street dance to start.
As dark fell and the Blue Moon rose, the band started and the music drifted over the crowd that had been gathering in the streets. Great band, Great music and the foot-stomping began as people rushed to join in the dancing. Our torches lit up our little yard and people started drifting over to cool off and have a drink. The best part of the Carnival to me is people visiting us, enjoying the music and renewing old ties. Of course we did a little dancing ourselves.
Here are Denise and Rebecca dancing and laughing at my great dancing ability for some reason.
As dark fell and the Blue Moon rose, the band started and the music drifted over the crowd that had been gathering in the streets. Great band, Great music and the foot-stomping began as people rushed to join in the dancing. Our torches lit up our little yard and people started drifting over to cool off and have a drink. The best part of the Carnival to me is people visiting us, enjoying the music and renewing old ties. Of course we did a little dancing ourselves.
Here are Denise and Rebecca dancing and laughing at my great dancing ability for some reason.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Watermelon Carnival 2015
The annual Watermelon Carnival is upon us and the weather couldn't be better. A balmy 105 degrees in the shade should cause most of the people visiting to melt right into the sidewalks.
Looks like a good carnival to be had by all as they are setting up booths right outside our office now and light music is beginning to play.
Please come enjoy the Carnival and don't forget to come by Howell Realty to cool off.
Looks like a good carnival to be had by all as they are setting up booths right outside our office now and light music is beginning to play.
Please come enjoy the Carnival and don't forget to come by Howell Realty to cool off.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
I'm Being Punished
No, I am very proud that my daughter Erin has enrolled at Southern Miss and I wish her all the happiness in the world.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Tuesday, July 07, 2015
The Howell Open 2015
July 4th is the time for family get-togethers, barbeques, watermelon, fireworks and cold beer, but in Water Valley it is also time for the Howell Open.
The Howell Open is set up as a scramble among the family and a few close friends. Now most of our cousins either don't play golf or play once a year whether they need to or not.
This is not a quiet game. Catcalls and Intimidation are the fanfare of the day.
BUT ONCE AGAIN, using my superlative golf skills and mental focus, I led my team to ULTIMATE VICTORY over those losers we played against.
Here is a group photo for the Howell Open
Here is a pic of the winning team of Rex Howell, Paul Howell, James Howell and Matt Bullion who captured the famous Howell Towel Trophy for 2015.
The Howell Open is set up as a scramble among the family and a few close friends. Now most of our cousins either don't play golf or play once a year whether they need to or not.
This is not a quiet game. Catcalls and Intimidation are the fanfare of the day.
BUT ONCE AGAIN, using my superlative golf skills and mental focus, I led my team to ULTIMATE VICTORY over those losers we played against.
Here is a group photo for the Howell Open
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Tractor Races Cancelled
The annual tractor race at the famous Christmas Place has been cancelled by Trent (Lucifer) Howell. This race usually starts at the Rally Camp lodge, winds across the property into the Great Swamp above the lake, cuts up along Thorny Ridge then drops back off into the Misty Forest, up Heart Attack Hill and a steep descent into Quick Sand Flats and back to the Camp. This fun event usually ends with screaming, cursing, fisticuffs and burning tractors. A great time is had by all.
This year Lucifer has claimed Old Blue as his own and will not let anyone take it. He took the key and skedaddled for the Coast before we could beat him back to his senses and the race has been cancelled. Sorry (no refunds).
This year Lucifer has claimed Old Blue as his own and will not let anyone take it. He took the key and skedaddled for the Coast before we could beat him back to his senses and the race has been cancelled. Sorry (no refunds).
Thursday, June 04, 2015
The Neantherdal Club
In an unsurprising twist of fate, Paul Howell was named Male Chauvinist Viking of the Year by the Biloxi-Gulfport Neantherdal Club. This group of Men is well known throughout the Gulfcoast area and Paul Howell is especially known (he just has a way with women)
Voting was established by the Gulfport, Biloxi, and Harrison County Women's Garden Clubs, the Ladies Auxillary, Daughters of the Confederacy, the Biloxi Lady Seabees Assn.
and the Harrison County Humane Society. Paul said "It's a great honor to be acknowledged for my consistent attention to the gals" This is his 7th time winning.
Voting was established by the Gulfport, Biloxi, and Harrison County Women's Garden Clubs, the Ladies Auxillary, Daughters of the Confederacy, the Biloxi Lady Seabees Assn.
and the Harrison County Humane Society. Paul said "It's a great honor to be acknowledged for my consistent attention to the gals" This is his 7th time winning.
Friday, May 29, 2015
GRADUATION 2015- Erin Howell
Yes, Graduation on the Mississippi Gulf Coast is this weekend. Erin Howell, who once penned the Jr. Bodock Times is now graduating from Gulfport High School and on the verge of stepping off into another life in college. Everyone is abuzz and Denise, Thunderhoof and I are heading that way to see the event. Congratulations to my wonderful, smart and warm daughter.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Correct Hog Dental Care
Dr. Barry "Pliers" Weeks was at the famous Christmas Place last weekend and effectively showed the correct dental care that wild hogs need, by blasting a big boar into smithereens at 175 yards on the Gamewarden Stand. This is the good dentists first hog and we hope that he will come down and do some more extractions soon.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Three Blind Hogs Find A Hog
This past weekend Trent Howell took two of his old classmates to the famous Christmas Place on a hog hunting expedition and miracle of miracles they actually scored. Robby Parsons aka Mossy Eyes and Van Hedges aka Hog Jumper. Yes, Water Valley boys, and they had a great hunt. They say even a stopped clock is right twice a day, and a bunch of old blind hogs can find a hog every now and then.
Monday, April 20, 2015
A Week Of Parties
Party,Party, Party! that's all I do. First there was the gigantic Boonswaggle at Snookys which is the social event of the year with all the elite making an appearance. I know, but somehow my name keeps appearing on the invite list. Thank you, Denise.
Another great party by Snooky and Mary Lou- thank you.
Next up was the JA Spring Fling at the Country Club. Denise and I made several bids at the silent auction, were told we won the Dance contest (since no one else was dancing), had a great dinner, visited with friends and walked off with a beautiful white glass bowl from the auction. I am worn out.
I hear the famous Christmas Place is lovely this time of year.
Another great party by Snooky and Mary Lou- thank you.
Next up was the JA Spring Fling at the Country Club. Denise and I made several bids at the silent auction, were told we won the Dance contest (since no one else was dancing), had a great dinner, visited with friends and walked off with a beautiful white glass bowl from the auction. I am worn out.
I hear the famous Christmas Place is lovely this time of year.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Appraising Rural Mississippi
I have been appraising land and homes in north Mississippi for right at 30 years and think that I know which end of a measuring tape to hold by now. The appraisal business is rapidly changing but the basics are still what you have to learn. I am looking into doing seminars or talking to student classes about what it takes to appraise real estate, what the future holds, and real life application to get the job done. If you think your school or class would be interested in me speaking to them, please email me at
Tuesday, April 07, 2015
Easter With My 3 Favorite Ladies
Easter we all went to church here in Water Valley at the First Methodist Church. My lovely Denise and my daughters Sarah and Erin. They were beautiful, the service was great and the whole thing was really pleasant. Much to my surprise, the roof did not fall in and I think the message that I received helped my troubled soul. Here we are.
Saturday, April 04, 2015
The Hog Man to Leave Texas
WHAT?!!! The internet is abuzz with the news that the mythical gun-toting, hog-killing, debonair, romantic swash-buckler, Phillip is leaving Texas. In fact, he is leaving Texas as fast as he can. Why? you say, WHY? A little research from the Bodock Times has investigated and thoroughly researched his escapades and there is only one reason....
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Thoughts For Spring
People have been emailing me and calling wanting to know why I have not been writing in my blog very much. "What's wrong?, Have you quit?, What's the problem?, Are you OK?, Hey, want to move to Texas? Thank you all for your concern.
It has been a long, hard, cold, bleak, never-ending winter that has left me totally drained and lost until now. Today finally feels like Spring is actually going to show up and left me with these thoughts on the beginning of Spring.
Am I actually going to get to play golf this year?
What the hell is Thunderhoof doing right now?
Does my dog have rabies?
Does my wife have rabies?
Is there a vacation in my future?
Why the heck am I paying taxes when I'm broke?
Is this the beginning of the Age of Aquarius?
How long can I avoid my evil brothers, Satan and Lucifer?
My God! Didn't I just mow my grass in October?
What are those purple trees?
I will be trying to get back up to speed with this change in the weather. Hope to see you at the Christmas Place.
It has been a long, hard, cold, bleak, never-ending winter that has left me totally drained and lost until now. Today finally feels like Spring is actually going to show up and left me with these thoughts on the beginning of Spring.
Am I actually going to get to play golf this year?
What the hell is Thunderhoof doing right now?
Does my dog have rabies?
Does my wife have rabies?
Is there a vacation in my future?
Why the heck am I paying taxes when I'm broke?
Is this the beginning of the Age of Aquarius?
How long can I avoid my evil brothers, Satan and Lucifer?
My God! Didn't I just mow my grass in October?
What are those purple trees?
I will be trying to get back up to speed with this change in the weather. Hope to see you at the Christmas Place.
Friday, March 20, 2015
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
My Dad Is Going To Kill Me!
Dad has been gone less than a year and I have already wrecked his truck. I am expecting him to show up at any time madder than hell. PS. Yes, Ice is smarter than me.
Monday, March 09, 2015
Thursday, March 05, 2015
Monday, March 02, 2015
Silence Of The Hams
The 6th Annual Hog Hunt at the famous Christmas Place was this past weekend and even though no one was killed, gored, or eaten we had a great time. My cousin Davin finally got a hog!
Well if he could kill a hog, anybody could and lo and behold one of our Yankee guests (Jay) got a hog too!
It was a great weekend with 2 hogs taken by our hunters and then someone showed up with a night vision scope and 3 were taken that way. I think they have quit squealing.
Well if he could kill a hog, anybody could and lo and behold one of our Yankee guests (Jay) got a hog too!
It was a great weekend with 2 hogs taken by our hunters and then someone showed up with a night vision scope and 3 were taken that way. I think they have quit squealing.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Hog Hunt Update
The Christmas Place Annual Hog Hunt is set for Feb27-March1. Please check with your local doctor or psychiatrist on what to do if you are gored by a wild hog. There Will Be Blood! Last man alive wins!
Monday, February 16, 2015
Tuesday, February 03, 2015
The Cold Days of February
It has been a long, hard winter and February is time to circle around the fire and let the winds howl outside and snuggle up with a friend. Luckily for Denise she has her new dog Gracie to keep her warm. (Not so lucky for me).
Friday, January 30, 2015
Send In The Demons
This is it, the last possible day of deer season. Saturday is the last day and everyone is sick and tired and ready to do something else. Everyone that is, except for my brothers , Satan and Lucifer. They are Good To Go! Nevermind that most of the bucks have dropped their antlers, their wives are sitting in divorce court waiting on a ruling and their children call the milkman Dad. Paul and Trent are heading to camp come hell or high water. Good Luck to them but I've had all I want, it is time to take care of a few things around the old homestead.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Russell Causes Havoc
This past weekend was slow at the famous Christmas Place but Russell Hearns came up with Paul and managed to kill a deer and a hog.
In fact, he about ran out of bullets blasting at critters all weekend. Here he is with a really nice hog he whacked at the Taj stand.
In fact, he about ran out of bullets blasting at critters all weekend. Here he is with a really nice hog he whacked at the Taj stand.
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