We got up Saturday moning to put the finishing touches on everything before the season starts, but Paul "Plenty of Time" Howell headed out to try and shoot a hog. You can see the results as he and Paul Jones got the 175lb. boar on the hanging pole. Where is Phillip when you need him?
Nice one!
Sweet!!! I wish we had more hogs up here to hunt
Art, be careful what you wish for.
I used to say the same thing until I got them and found out what a devastating problem they are.
Good luck this season!
they can be destructive and it is best to keep them thinned out when ya can
Hogs sure are fun to hunt and can be good eatin also!
Nice hog.
Arthur, I seem to remember reading something about hogs invading Michigan and doing a lot of damage. I can't remember where they were though.
Mmmmm... Bacon!
We have one of those ugly things on our wall.
Good stuff! Congrats on the hog!
Nice hog! Good eatin' but they are really destructive!
Heck I would love to hunt them.
I am sure its too cold in ND though.
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