I got tagged for this meme by GuyK at Charming, Just Charming. My blog started out as a camp newsletter to keep things interesting at the famous Christmas Place. It evolved after studying, researching and finally starting my own blog. I knew I could add pictures, stories and hunting info that we could keep from now on. Now I am having fun adding videos! I also recognized that humor is cyclical or circular, unlike my confused friend Old Scratch. I don't just blog about deer hunting but everything always returns to the hunting camp in the Delta. Here is my very first post From the Hunting Mecca of the Mississippi Delta. It has taken a long time to get a steady readership, but it grows every day. Starting out, I thought you just went to peoples blog and said "Hi, I like your blog" and they would come and link up. I did not know I was a troll. The Grouchy Old Cripple, Straight White Guy and a few others put me in my place. Now, if I go visit, I add something to a conversation or shut the hell up. Another really nice guy I managed to piss off was William at Amazing Facts. I said the wrong thing at the wrong time and wish I hadn't. I miss linking with him, he runs a very interesting site. People are different and you better be on your best behavior if you go to their site.
I have found that people are glad to help if you just ask. Big Dick runs a NSFW blog but was helpful and friendly when asked a simple question that really ended up helping me. Even the beautiful Atlas Shrugs left a nice comment here.
I have followed the actions of my hunting camp and keep adding a few twists to the stories and it has been fun. Deer, Ghost, Treasure, Adventure it is all here.
I am trying to learn how to write also. It is a whole lot harder than you think.
I do like ghost stories, so I have worked on these for October each year and the giant deer Thunderhoof is evolving too. Tall tales are always in fashion. I always try to keep it short and add at least one picture. I have met and linked with an absolutely great bunch of people that support each other, helped start an Outdoor Bloggers Group and I have not run out of material yet.
I hope my blog keeps evolving. I am going to pass this meme to Phillip, Moose and the lovable Dana.
Personally I like the stories about history and the ghost stories. I want to know more about the Dark Monks!
I think your awesome Dude...and I am thankful for meeting you through my blog..
Hi, I like your blog. No, really I do - like the scary stories....yeah good.
Ralph, less talk, more boobies
and the obvious question is...what's a meme? I think I should know since now you passed it to me! :) I'm game to try it, whatever it is!
Rex, you helped me when I was just starting and I'm in your debt!
I like your ghost stories. I've got two good ones coming up next month!
Rex, you run a great blog. I love the mix of history, stories, and land maintenance. You say you are learning to be a writer, but I think you're already very good.
... oops!... I put you in your place?... sorry, sir.... I never mean to offend anyone....
... you run a great blog here... keep up the good work!..
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