Like Christmas Eve, this night will be spent tossing and turning with dreams of a giant buck. The chase, the glimpse of giant antlers and the shot. All deerhunters in the state will be up drinking coffee at 4AM tomorrow morning primed and ready to go.
At the famous Christmas Place everything is ready. We all have our stands good to go.
I am hunting the Mountain, Paul and Michael are going to the Hole, Burney will probably go to the 72 acres and Dad is behind the Gamewardens. After all the years of opening day of deer season, I still feel like a kid on Christmas Eve today.
Bob and I are wishing you GOODHUNTING!!!
Go git 'em, Rex!
I sure know the feeling. Hunting year-round like I do nowadays, every day is kinda like Christmas, but there's always a special anticipation the night before a big hunt or a season opener.
Good luck to you all!
Good luck and looking forward to more pics.
Have a good and safe hunt.
We have something similar here in Michigan. On opening day of Firearm Season, a lot of people mysteriously go missing. You can find them all, dressed in orange, in the woods.
Keep your powder dry! Good luck and be safe.
Have a great hunt!
Best shooting wishes for ya.
Good luck to all of ya. Opening night anticipation is awesome!
I know how you feel as well, I'm awaiting the 2nd weekend here in ND like it's XMAS Eve - and I don't even have a buck Tag! I'm leaving in 39 minutes, by the way.
I just can't wait to try and spot a nice mature one for my neice.
Good hunting, best of luck! Can't wait to hear what happens...
Man, that is exciting just reading about it! I hope you guys have a safe and successful hunt. There are 9 days to go here and I'm already getting excited to go out.
Good hunting.
Rex, you can be old like me and still get the jitters on Deer eve!
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