Everyone is headed to camp today. Hell, Paul and his family are already there. (How strange) Wanda is bringing the Turducken for our Thanksgiving meal. We have a lot to be thankful for but I am really missing my momma. This will be our first Thanksgiving without her.
I have not had any Thanksgiving Day Nightmares like last year, so I hope that I can get a big old buck this weekend without any problems from Paul. I'm sure that idiot is busy hunting all my stands.

Enjoy your holiday, Amigo!
I'm hanging close to home this year, and will be enjoying a day on horseback and coming home to a small turkey with just my immediate family on hand.
The chaos of a family event will have to wait until Christmas this year.
Happy Thanksgiving my friend.
Hey Rex... Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Happy Thanksgiving Rex. Have a good time.
The first holidays without a loved one are hard. Just remember all the good times and be grateful. It does get easier.
Happy turkey day Rex!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!
Happy Thanksgiving Rex! I'd tell you to have fun, but I know you don't need anyone to tell you that.
Whack a big one!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Rex!
Happy Thanksgiving and make sure to share a few memories about the lost loved one to the current family who is there. That always helps me, especially telling the funny stories about who has passed!
Good luck on all that, and my sympathies on not having your mom. I'm lucky that way, but I dread the time when my luck runs out.
I always thought Turkeyducken was a south Louisiana thing? Have you ever stuffed your Duck with a Quail or a couple of Doves?
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