12/1 kill big 12-point buck with 45/70
12/2 sleep late
12/5 see Taxidermist
12/8 take weekend off for Christmas shopping
12/15 Antler Bowl starts 6AM
12/16 kill Thunderhoof, (win bowl game) Antler Bowl ends at 6PM
12/17,18. still drunk
12/18 Taxidermist dies of Heart Attack
12/19 Post my Christmas Card on Blog
12/20 Great Christmas Story on Blog (Ralph will appreciate this one)
12/21 sell rights to Thunderhoof book for $87,000,000,000
12/22 Annual Christmas Place Deer Camp Party with the All Buck Band
12/23 accept Hunter Emeritus award from Outdoor Life, Sports Afield and Playboy
12/24 stay up late, watch for Santa (save reindeer from Paul)

12/25 Christmas Day!
12/26 Play with toys, receive Nobel Deer Prize
12/27 Who wants a new Cadillac?
12/28 back to camp make fun of Paul, Trent, Burney,
12/29 sleep late, receive Heisman Buck Trophy
12/30 sell Thunderhoof movie rights for 10 Gazillion dollars
12/31 New Years Eve at Kitrells Restaurant with Marian and Denise, give interview to Paparazzi about my hunt for Thunderhoof.
1/1/08 New Years Day, receive star on Walk of fame, receive Medal of Deer Honor
JANUARY- go to New York with Thunderhoofs antlers for ticker-tape parade.
Rex, save me whatever you have been drinking!!
Excellent plan Rex, Elvis and myself will joining you in New York.
Well, nothing like having your month planned out, especially if it all works to plan! Me, I will anxiously await half a month for a good story. Lord knows I have waited years for a sequel in a story to come out....
Heh! Just happened to think :
"You'll shoot your eye out!"
My favorite quote from "A Chrustmas Story" ...
Well, glad to see you're planning conservatively and without great dreams of grandeur!
Good luck, one day at a time... particulary with tomorrow morning.
Send me whatever it is your drinking Rex!
But then again, Thunderhoof would be an awesome Xmas present for you.
Oh sure, it all looks great on paper, but then the paprazzi start getting on your nerves...
When I was in the 4th grade Sister Mary Josepha nicknamed me "Day Dreamer" - I think this would be a GREAT nickname for you also, Thunderhoof and all! LOL :)
PS: You are a HOOT of a friend!!!
Sounds like you've got it all planned out Rex.
Now that one is pretty funny.
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