Lost Horizon, MS> I rolled into camp this weekend really fired up. I met Bobby, Burney, Dad, Paul and Michael and we enjoyed crappie for dinner Friday night and at 4AM everyones feet hit the floor and we soon scattered to the four winds to hunt. That is exactly what we got, Wind. It blew all day and trust me when I tell you that a big buck does not like to move in a high wind. We all saw deer and Dad made a long shot at a hog (he missed)but the big bucks were non-cooperative. We have never had much success opening weekend and it held true this year. Saturday night we had wild hog and fresh corn. Thanksgiving is coming and we usually get one or two over the holiday. Paul saw one deer that might have been a shooter but was so far away that he could not get his binocs on it before it was gone. Sunday morning was better, but rain came in about 9AM and we called it a day at noon.
I did have a small 5 point following two does walk right in front of me at 10 yards.
Sooner or later, the Mountain is going to give up its' secret monster buck.
This is a pic taken from the Two-Man Stand that Sarah and I hunted Youth weekend.
Mr Ed., Tyler killed a 7pt with a kicker Sunday afternoon. He didn't let a little rain keep him out of the woods.
Stick with 'em, Rex!
But I gotta say.. you went home at 9 because it was raining? In those condominiums you call deer stands? I would've expected you to turn up the electric heater, brew another pot of herbal tea, and adjust your LaZBoy while you waited for Mr. Big to rumble on out into the open.
Oh Yea Mr Ed., The buck Tyler shot thought it would be prudent to run to the nearest pond and die right in the middle of it. Retreiving him involved waders and a grappling hook and a very long night in the rain. But it was worth it.
Sorry that you didn't get any deer, but there's still time. Sounds like you had fun anyway.
Getting up at 4 a.m. though? Better you than me is all I can say about that.
No deer, but it sounds like you ate well and had a fun weekend. You don't know how lucky you are to be able to hunt on Sundays. Good luck over the holiday!
Opening weekend for us was a non plus! Bright, moon lit nights and daytime temps over 80. Not good Deer weather!
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