Everyone that hunts yearns to find it. Every deer hunter has dreamed about it. They all search with hope of finding and having the perfect deer stand. Once upon a time we had that, and the name of this great spot was the Double-Deer Stand.
Growing up, we all learned to scrape hunt and spent all our time scouting for fresh scrapes and building stands to hunt them. This spot always had a half-dozen scrapes scattered around a little clearing in the woods and must have been a major funnel area too. Every year our family took 1-3 bucks off of this stand for at least 12 years. When you hunted it, your odds on killing a deer drastically improved. I do not know exactly how many bucks were taken off of this stand but it was a lot.
The name of the stand came from two reasons. The first is that Paul and his wife, Wanda hunted the stand one morning and they both got a buck. The main reason is that once Paul hunted this stand and shot a nice buck that ran after he shot it. As he was climbing down, he heard a noise and the buck stepped back into the clearing. He leaned against the tree, shot the deer again and got down. There were two almost identical bucks lying within 10 yards of each other. We lost that land, before we moved to our present location, but the memory remains. We still search for another stand like that and I think we will find it one day.
Ahhh...the perfect deer stand. That's a neat story, what a shock that must have been to see 2 bucks on the ground!!! Sorry to hear that you lost the land. Keep hunting...
I hope you find another stand like that soon! Speaking of stands, if you could stop by my site, I've got a stand that needs your appraising skills...
Now thats what I call a memory to remember. with all the hunting pressure out there it's a wonder Paul was able to take both bucks at the same time. Usually gun shots run the deer away from your stand but for some reason the second buck came thru just in time for Paul to get a shot. This is highly unheard of.
Sorry you lost that hunting spot. If you find another like it and need some company hunting it, just let me know!
damn that is 2 big deer
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