I have received a new link from a
professional photographer named
Jeff Hunt. He is blogging out of South Carolina at
Low Country Hunting. Jeff is blogging about photography, his hunting club, wild hogs and big whitetail bucks.
I think everyone is going to like his site. Hey, I'm going to link him right now!
Cool! Thanks for the heads up! I'm going to check out the photography!
It's a great site! I had to check into what "low country" was though! Not an expression I'm familiar with.
Thank you so much for putting my blog's link and info up on your site. Since I am so new to the blogging scene, I really appreciate the publicity! I am also truly greatful for all of the nice greatings I have recieved from so many people after seeing my site on yours.
Thanks Again
Always wanted to hunt hogs. Need to look it up.
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