When we arrived at camp this past weekend, we discovered that a broken water line had flooded the camp. We spent part of each day getting water out of the carpet until we just decided to rip the whole damn thing out and start over. Thank Goodness, that we have insurance.
Denise had her daughter Alexis in for a long weekend and it was her first time at camp. She pitched in and did not complain about the awful smell or let anything bother her from having a good time. She was a real trooper. Denise and I showed her the Indian Mounds, the lake and taught her how to drive a four wheeler. I hope she will come back when we get the carpet replaced.
Yeah...clean up stinks. Glad everyone still managed to have a good time.
I know the feeling lately. Clean up has been all I've done since the twisters torn through town!
A broken water main doesn't sound like a lot of fun. If all you lost was the carpet, I guess that isn't so bad. Or at least not as bad as it could have been.
Ouch! Thats definitely going to be some work to clean up. At least it happened in the pre-season so you didn't lose any hunting time over it.
Most insurance companies will let you choose any type of floor you want as a replacement.
Flooded carpet is the worst.
I want to drive the big peoples toys! Wanna learn how to ride a four wheeler, and oh..Do you have one of those swamp boat thingies? I want to ride at speeds that make my hair come out at the roots...*smiles
So sorry Rex to hear about the water line break at the camp. At least you will soon have a good outcome from it all - NEW CARPET! :) Bob and I have had to deal with that..no fun at all!
Rex, I think I would paint the concrete. It would be a lot easier to clean, especially during deer season. It would be kind of cold in the mornings though.
Be glad it was water and not like the disaster we had at the Lammey Cabin three years ago. Just imagine the July heat and power had been out for a month with over 50 lbs of meat in the freezer.That's right instant barf as soon as I opened the door to the cabin. Spent a week trying to get the smell out,wore a resperator for the first three days. #1 rule at cabin now is not to even leave a piece of Bologna in the fridge or freezer!
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