Denise has a new job. She is now the BPO Specialist.
This new area of appraisal work is really starting
to take off.

The oppressive heat has lowered the water in the lake, but our Lake Monster seems to be doing OK. In fact, the influx of wild hogs around the lake seems to have fattened him up.
Thank you to all the people that have written in worried about him.
This weekend we are still planning on going to the bottle show in Vicksburg with Marian and Bob. Vicksburg is the home of the first bottled Coca-Cola. Got to get me one of those.

My father, "Dan'l Boone" thinks the weather is perfect for us to start working in the fields for the food plots. Yesterday it was only 103 degrees.He is getting all excited as another fall is within sight, and is making his plans that unfortunately include me. Golf is about to abruptly stop.
Cool ! Tell Denise I said 'Hi'. She will make a great BPO specialist. Fixin to be lots of REO's up that way.
103 degrees and building food plots. Now that is dedication!
I hope ya'll are drinking lots of water! It's easy to get overheated when you're having fun!
I give up...what is a BPO specialist?
Kind of envy ya on the Dove season coming up. I used to like to shoot at doves..didn't hit but about one out of four but I sure could knock some feathers..
Guyk, with the rise in foreclosures and the people behind on their housenote. Lots of companies want a quick value as they check the status of their inventory. they need a Brokers Price Opinion without doing a full appraisal. BPO. Keep up your payments or they will take your mobile home and your RV.:)
It was 102 in Tennessee yesterday, and supposed to be in the 100's the rest of the week. Hot and humid.
Rex, your "Dan'l Boone" sounds a lot like my dad.
"Come on boy, it's a cool and lovely 100 degrees outside, and the humidity is only 85%! It's a perfect time to tackle that thicket out behind the dog pen!"
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