Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Strange Dreams

Gulfport, MS> My brother Paul, renowned 6-point shooter, called me today and sounded distressed. He is coming up with Michael to turkey hunt but said he has been having some horrible nightmares about a giant barnacle headed buck. Ridiculous!


Unknown said...

Thats a WILD ONE!!

none said...

Wow, I'm surprised they allow hunting on superfund sites ;)

BTW: I'll be happy to add you to my links. I'm not a hunter just a shooter and collector but I find stories about the hunt fascinating.

Editor said...

shooters know guns, I will watch for interesting antiques on your site I can link to. Thanks!

deerslayer said...

You know I saw something like that when Iwas out hunting one day but it turned out to be just a big brush pile behind a doe. Great photo keep um coming.