My dear friend Old Scratch has issues
Dear Editor and Publisher,
Being blocked from posting on this site by unknown persons,
I respectfully request that you might publish an article of my thoughts on bad hunting luck.
On 2 different occasions I have, because of working like a dog on some rental property emergency, let one of my good friends and my brother in law hunt my stands on my home place..
On 2 different occasions a buck of your life muley monster has walked out within 10 minutes and committed suicide
Please find attached 3 pictures. One is of a 20” inside spread 10 point my brother in law killed in 2000, one is of my good friend Curtis Rogers who killed, I believe the daddy of the 10 pt, in 1998.
The other picture is of my youngest son who killed a nice 7 pt with his first ever shot at a deer. He was 9.
Respectfully and Humbly,
Old Scratch
Dear Old Scratch,
I do not know who would do such an awful thing as block you from posting. Probably some damn coast Lawyer, but I am glad you started this advice column.
First advice is this. Never, ever, ever let someone hunt your spot. They WILL kill a big deer and you will have to listen to it for the next 100 years. Obviously, you are an idiot, as you have already done it several times. Your brother in law? You might as well let my brother Paul hunt your stand if you want to catch that kind of hell.
PS. Exactly how many years has it been since you made toast out of a buck?
Respectfully and Humbly,
Obviously, generosity and deer hunting are not compatible. Note taken. I was very pleased that someone who could shoot straight was there when they walked by.Yes it has been a long time. I think I'll hunt instead of work this year.
PS: Editor I'm coming to the Pole Having to use a tractor this year #$%^&hole.
Just tell me, what must I do to get banned over here, I'll do anything just give me cast iron guarentees.
That won't stop me from commenting on this site, will it?
OK forget that.
Shooting straight, yes straight by his ear. You gotto aim as well.
Mr. KeesKennis seems to have issues too. sorry, but you can not be banned. You are the only comic relief we have.
Thank God.
Kees, don't let the "editor" fool you. He most definitely is not Dan'l Boone. We went hunting together about 5 years ago fairly close together. I had already seen 2 bucks and 5 does. I'm sitting there drinking my brandy and BOOM. A few miutes later the "editor' came staggering down the trail with a very nice scope mark on his nose mumbling about killing Thunderhoof's daddy. When we fell to the bottom of the 200' ravine where the deer decided to expire. I had my first heart attack dragging that "huge" 5 pt to a spot where we could safely use an atv.If you get a chance ask Rex about the scar on his nose and the camp fine.
it was a monstrous 6-point, plus the gun went off by itself. Don't confuse Kees, he once shot an elephant in his pajamas, how it got in his pajamas I'll never know
Hey Editor, I think your idea of "The Scratching Post" advice column is a pretty good idea. I could do an article about going to the Dakota's, sighted in with 130 gr. bullets and shooting 150's. I learned a great deal about windage and elevation after I shot under a nice 5X5 4 times. I finally killed my buck on my last day there at 375 and I had to aim 2 feet over his back.
Oh Yeah, Mule deer a really dumb, they will stand beside a bush and think they're hiding from you.
Hell, whom to believe.
Scratch with his windage from to much talk or Editor with his turkey size deer.
Happy hunting you two, I don't think the deer or turkeys is worried to much.
I interest in new of shooting? Having advice for kill dollars good.
Hey Hong, you don't do consulting work for the postal service do you?
Scratching yes. I am consult.
Need advice for purchasling larg caliper guns.
Need for shoot kittens or elk. Is kittens? Small tiger or lepard maybe. Want big game.
Hong, as far as kittens go, they are hard to find and hunt. Peta makes daily trips rounding them up and taking them to sort of a kitty concentration camp, ugly business. Elk like mountains, Peta dosen't like mountains, a 22 pistol should do the trick with a well placed shot
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