Attica, MS> The alarm went off at six and we were up and at 'em. First we went down to where we had cut the big tree and watched the dozer clear that out. We had to start picking up and clearing the road by hand too.
Then it was off to the Mountain. I had carefully laid out and marked exactly where I wanted the food plot located here. Once Dad got there, he took one look and decided that it was all wrong and had his man start clearing a completely different spot.
I was really ticked! No amount of arguing or negotiation would make him change his mind. Anyway, there is a new food plot on top of the Mountain. Hope it will work.
We spent a couple of hours up there fetching and toting while the dozer destroyed half the forest. Paul Jones even showed up. For some reason, they spent half their time making fun of my engineering brilliance in locating the food plot exactly where I wanted. Dad was in his element!
Next we went over to the Privy Stand and had to relocate that. Heavy winds had blown it over and twisted one of the legs. Heavy rebar and a sledge hammer ought to hold it for awile. This is the new tripod stand that we have replaced the old stand with.
Finally it was time to move the box stand to the corn field. It took us awhile to figure out how to get it out of the garage, put it on the truck and transport it to the field.
Down the road we went with Drew and Spencer holding the stand as hard as they could.
It is about 12 feet or so high and completely enclosed. Perfect for sneaking into and no scent getting out.
Here is a view of where I will get that giant buck I saw last year! We finished up, Dad finished a few other places with the dozer and we all headed home.
Wow, sounds like you did a lot of work last weekend.
I hope you have a few days to put your feet up and rest now.
Sounds like a good, healthy way to spend the weekend. Having a great piece of land means doing a lot of work to keep it great.
Seriously, it sounds like hard work, but I bet you guys find it pretty rewarding.
Looks like fun. What are you planting in the food plot?
the two food plots we made are pretty shaded. We are considering putting nothing on them except white clover. What do you think about this idea?
Sometimes old guys are right!
When is deer season in your neck of the woods?
archery starts the first weekend in October and some form of deer season is open till Jan. 31
Looks like you had a busy weekend with all hands on deck. Since you ask, I think white clover is just about right. I am sure all the hard work and dedication will pay off in the long run.
-Othmar Vohringer-
Looks like a lot of work to me. Glad you got-r-done, though. I think clover sounds like a good game magnet. I wish we could plant food plots like that out here, but it's just too dry.
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