12/1 kill big 12-point buck with 45/70
12/2 sleep late
12/5 see Taxidermist
12/8 take weekend off for Christmas shopping
12/15 Antler Bowl starts 6AM
12/16 kill Thunderhoof, (win bowl game) Antler Bowl ends at 6PM
12/17,18. still drunk
12/18 Taxidermist dies of Heart Attack
12/19 Post my Christmas Card on Blog
12/20 Great Christmas Story on Blog (Ralph will appreciate this one)
12/21 sell rights to Thunderhoof book for $87,000,000,000
12/22 Annual Christmas Place Deer Camp Party with the All Buck Band
12/23 accept Hunter Emeritus award from Outdoor Life, Sports Afield and Playboy
12/24 stay up late, watch for Santa (save reindeer from Paul)

12/25 Christmas Day!
12/26 Play with toys, receive Nobel Deer Prize
12/27 Who wants a new Cadillac?
12/28 back to camp make fun of Paul, Trent, Burney,
12/29 sleep late, receive Heisman Buck Trophy
12/30 sell Thunderhoof movie rights for 10 Gazillion dollars
12/31 New Years Eve at Kitrells Restaurant with Marian and Denise, give interview to Paparazzi about my hunt for Thunderhoof.
1/1/08 New Years Day, receive star on Walk of fame, receive Medal of Deer Honor
JANUARY- go to New York with Thunderhoofs antlers for ticker-tape parade.