Faulkner, MS> This blogging is tough. Low on bullets, my boat has a hole in it, no members of the He-Man-Woman-Hater-Christmas Place Hunting Club will talk to me. Come to think of it, life is pretty good. All the lonely bloggers are out there typing like hell about their niche in the Blogosphere, and every now and then they read and like another persons blog. You know how us famous people stick together. This guy over at Defiant Infidel is a good writer, has good political commentary and is living in liberal hell. Too bad he has to wear a mask, so people won't recognize him and turn him in to the PC police. He is pretty funny about what he sees in his part of the world. A gun nut and a hunter. Check out his blog!
My cousin, Jimmy, is extremely proud of his son,

James. This young man took his first buck recently at Abbeville near our old camp. This is on the edge of the Graham Lake Refuge on Sardis. Great Hunting and fishing area. Congratulations on a fine deer. It is about time we found a Lammey that could kill a deer. In fact, that deer sure is a hell of a lot bigger than anything I can remember his old Dad ever taking. I just happen to have a good picture of Jim in all his deer hunting glory.

Jim, We really miss hunting with you, hope to see you again soon.