Exploring the Christmas Place
Blog City, MS> Marion and Bob are troopers and I wanted to show them everything I could, in the short time that they were here. I might have worn them out, but they did not complain and were game for everything we wanted to do. We made another loop and I took them up to where I had found an old car deep in the woods and told them about an incredible and frightening adventure that happened to Paul while hunting near there. I will post about it later. Here is a pic of Marian and Denise in front of the haunted automobile. It is wise and I think perfectly safe to go by there during the day, but I would not be there after dark.
We zoomed up and went through several fields and showed them our stands. They really liked the big boxstand in the North Cornfield. She wanted to know exactly where the big deer Drew killed was standing. I think she found her stand!
They liked that so we swung back to the main road and took them in behind the Wardens Station to the GameWardens' Stand that juts out into the reserve. the day was clear, blue and perfect and we tried to capture it in this photo before we headed in to the big birthday party for Rena.
You wrote:
"I had found an old car deep in the woods and told them about an incredible and frightening adventure that happened to Paul while hunting near there. I will post about it later."
I love a mystery so I am waiting to read your post on this.
give me two or three days
FYI this is called a lead-in
The scene that Bob wanted you to capture of the deer stand in the opened field with the clouds, looks like a post card picture. We can't say enough for a wonderful weekend! :)
Talk about misses, that stand is jinxed
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