Friday, May 18, 2007

Christmas Lake Catfish

BlueCat, MS> I just received an email from Dianne Jones. She and her husband Paul are some of our closest friends and live next door to the famous Christmas Place Lunker Club. She sent these pictures of Paul after he caught this big cat on a 6lb. line this week. She sent the email, he is still recovering from the battle.

She says in her email that they talked and talked about keeping the fish, but they both knew how much I wanted GuyK to catch one of these that they threw it back in.
Now aint't that Charming, Just Charming. Hurry up GuyK! If you want to congratulate Paul, here is their address. mailto:


Editor said...

thanks Paul, y'all have been true friends. PS you could have kept the fish.

FHB said...

Damn! Are they raisin' them things in a pool of plutonium, or what?

Eric J. Burton said...

Holycow now that is a big cat. They have those in the Red River up here.