Thursday, July 19, 2007

Strange and Beautiful

Myst, MS> I have written several times about the strange creatures that inhabit the deep recesses of the famous Christmas Place. There are many unexplored deep hollows and steep crags that are almost impossible to get to. Even so, we are always finding strange things.
I had seen the tiny tracks of this elusive creature (I thought) but was not sure. They were around the very remote Secret Field. I spent part of the deer season there with my camera. No deer and no pics. Spring came and on a scouting trip, I jumped them out of the field and had the bright idea to stalk them. After an hour or two, I finally got close enough to snap this picture.

I bet if we could round up some of these, Becky and Debbie would drop what they are doing and come visit. Women love horses! I also think we could make some money selling them as ponies if we could just saw the horn off of their heads.

UPDATE- finally found the song that was the inspiration for this post.


H2o said...

I really like that idea...but the last time I got on a horse it threw me into a barbwire fence. It hurt so bad.

Anonymous said...

Unicorns huh?

Do you have princes as well? I'm still looking for my Prince Charming. Maybe he's been hiding with the unicorns all this time.

Imaginative and fun post, as usual.

GUYK said...

thats the damnest thing I ever saw! two horse what run into a tree and got branches stuck in their heads and are still walking. Unless they be unicorns..are unicorns good to eat?

Anonymous said...

I poached one from down there. the meat is a little stringy

Anonymous said...

Not really a comment just a big LMAO :)

Editor said...

Scratch, I guess you used the horn for a toothpick when you were through.

Translator said...

Wow! I haven't seen those beautiful creatures since my travels in Wales. It was a cold day, and the mist had just risen from the fields...

Translation : whiskey and blog commentings don't mix verie welll...ugh..blarba blabbedy blab...