Greg Jones headed up to the Arrowhead Field, his son Tyler covered the Creek Stand, Burney and Austin went to the Indian Mound and Rex and Spencer went to the 1st Indian Mound. It was a beautiful day and the deer were moving like crazy.
Greg did not have to wait long. The young doe appeared at the end of the field and trotted across. A good shot and she was down. Mr. Jones got his 4-wheeler.....
Burney and Austin heard the shot, looked around as the nice 7 point walked out 20 yards away.
Austin got ready, fired too quickly and the buck hopped off. Burney put his head down, patted his son on the leg and whispered "We'll get the next one".........
Tyler had heard the two shots and 30 minutes later there were deer all around him. He picked out the largest doe. BOOM! He got down and headed for camp and a 4-wheeler.
Rex and Spencer had deer all around them, just none in perfect range. My God, it sounded like a Texas dove hunt with all the shooting! A doe moved through the woods, a young buck ambled by. Spencer was antsy and Rex whispered "Your deer will be here in a minute"....
The doe moved into the field at the last minute of daylight and moved within 20 yards. It was so dark that the field backlit the deer for the shot. BLAMMM! The deer jumped and fell.
3 minutes later Burney and Austin were there and they got the deer out. Back to camp.
The hanging pole was full of deer that night. An exciting hunt for everyone.
Note to self Buy more Federal Ammunition Stock :D Great story sounds like some of our clubs hunts.
we could use a few of those sponsors we keep hearing about.
Thanks, Moose!
I have a question for you? How much do those White Tails weigh? It seems like the deer in the north country are little bigger than they are down south. My doe I shot this season was 108 pounds field dressed.
Hey "Goon"
A typical doe runs 100-120 lbs.
150lbs. is a monster doe
Bucks of 175lbs. are really nice deer. 200-225 is BIG, above that is monster territory.
I have never seen a 300lb. deer
in this part of the world.
thanks for reading, let me know if you want to link up, and I will put a nice post up about your site.
Moose has all the big deer where he lives.
Editor I can link you up, my hunting photos aren't as impressive as your but, I definately will put a link up to your site. I am just getting going on My second blog, its going to focus on racing and hunting a little into politics but not too much.
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