Greedy Gulch, MS> As summer rolls into fall, the Howell Gang starts to show weird symptoms of deer hunting madness that they call Scouting. Usually while Some (Rex and Hershel) are working the fields and getting everything ready for the season,
Others (Trent and Paul) are disappearing at every opportunity into the woods in search of big deer sign.
The secret involved in finding a good place to deer hunt at the Famous Christmas Place Hunting Club is mainly using the staples of lying, greed and secrecy. Being involved with lawyers happens to be good practice, I have two of them in my family.
Scouting for the right spot involves visiting every field to find out the deer movement for that season, scouting large blocks of woods for big buck sign (hooks, scrapes, trails) also finding an ideal location for your opening weekend climber or ladder stand and not giving any information away as to what you are doing. Sneaking around while doing this helps so that no one knows where you are on the property and going there to check for themselves.
Lying about what you found helps make everyone scout harder. Cause if you say you found nothing, they figure you are lying anyway!
Getting a big buck is a hard task and at the Christmas Place it is also a major mind game. So, come Sept 1st forget golf, fishing or any kind of work. (HA-HA) All the members at the Christmas Place will be sneakin’ around.
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