Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Buckmaster to Blogmaster

Camp Blogging
Wiredville, MS> Now that I have become a rich and successful blogger it is time to share my knowledge of blogging to the rest of you. Kind of like Joe Black after a week of playing golf suddenly thought he was Arnold Palmer.
The first thing you do is decide on a theme. No one wants to hear your day to day humdrum crap. Second you have to use the lingo. This includes using the word blog, blogger or blogging as much as possible. Example "what's the blog, dude" or "check you at the blog" then there's the mixed word examples "blogeriffic" or "bloggerfied" etc. In hunting you can say "That's some big blogging horns" or "Where did you blog that monster" and "Holy Crap! What a blogging deer! No one at the camp knows what I am talking about of course but it confuses them anyway. Another thing is you start throwing other words in the mix like HTML, source code, URL's or blogads. Now you are ready to move to the next level and start talking about the great bloggers as if you know them. Talk about your buddies the Puppyblender, Michelle Malkin, (who's hot as a firecracker and always P.O. ed) Ace and WuzzaDem. Link to Drudge and those always eager Ankle Bitiing Pundits. To really impress people casually mention the boys at Powerline . You will need to start a Word or Note file to keep addresses and thoughts in. Check you balance at Adsense to keep up with the truckloads of cash accruing in your account. Trick people into looking at your site via email after attaching your URL to the post Congratulations, see you in the blogging bahamas.