Wednesday, March 01, 2006

CrossHairs Philosophy

In the movie, Blondie stood over the grave and said "in this world, there's two kinds of people. People with guns and people who dig. You dig! My brother, Paul, the evil coast lawyer is saying crap like that all the time (especially during deer season) So here are a few of the witty things he thinks he says.
There are two kinds of people..........
1. those that kill mules and those that wish they could.
2. those that hang mules on the pole and those that skin them.
3. those that kill all the mules and those that hunt with Burney.
4. mule killers and dish washers
5. those that blast mules and those who are pitiful
6. those with big antlers on their pole and those that have little bitty.....
7. killing mules is an art form, I am Leonardo of the mule shooters. You are nothing!
8. I feel a mule coming on!
9. to be a mule shooter, you must be rich or crazy. I am both! Bwahahahahah.

In the midst of his ramblings can be heard these witticisms
1. the only good buck is a dead one I have on the pole!
2. Raise the mule limit! Raise the mule limit!
3. To be a great deer hunter, you have to be me! HAHAHAHAHA!
4. so many mules, so little time
5. serve me you peasants!
6. the mules are mine by divine right as pharoh of the delta!
7. It's hard to make up a rhyme for mule.
8. I am so modest it scares me!
9. cut the timber, plant the fields, shoot the mules, mush, mush!
10. There's no hunting, like mule hunting, like no hunting I know........

if you do not understand that mules are trophy whitetail bucks please go here and stay there.

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