Monday, March 20, 2006

Rainy Day Turkey

Cluckblood, MS> A sheet of rain swept across the open field as the duo of natural born killers set up their blind at the Double WhiteOak Field. They were not dressed for wet weather and it had also turned cold. Thirty minutes later Michael was freezing to death and they had heard no reply to their calls. Time dragged on, Michael was shaking, Paul said thirty more minutes. He tried clucks, he tried long calls, and finally tried a gobble but to no avail. They gathered up their decoy and gear and headed out. They slipped up the road with Paul in the lead as they reached the Stupid Field. Paul glanced left. A big gobbler was strutting in the edge of the field! There were turkeys everywhere! He motioned for Michael to get down and squatted below the slight rise leading into the field. He carefully moved to the edge of the woods with Michael in front of him and eased his call out. A couple of chirps made the turkeys ease to him and down the edge of the road. A nice young gobbler stepped over the crest. Michael took careful aim. BOOM! The turkey flipped. BOOM! The turkey lay still. The gobbler weighed 15lbs. with a 7 inch beard. Congratulations to Michael on his first turkey and a successful wet weather hunt. Paul was the proudest Dad around, but he remembers the big one strutting in the field and will get him later.

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